Monday, July 8, 2024

Those who have crossed over into the transhumanism category will no longer qualify for human rights

Editor's note: Once you have been digitally augmented it's over. The transgender ideological-driven movement including LGBTQ+ is being controlled by technological forces to transition the species to transhumanism. Why must humanity be coerced or forced into collaberation? Collaboration on what? The evisceration of biological life? Is it correct to suggest the human species through the disguised use of injections are going to be morphed into some kind of biodigitally patented therefore owned subspecies? If you are still in Stockholm Syndrome you might want to take one more look at your circumstances. Biodigital convergence is an emerging trend, referring to the merging of digital technologies and biological systems such as digitally programming DNA or implanted microchips that send signals to your body. Do you really think these secret societies behind the technocratic wizards want to heal you or prevent pandemics? Do you realize the Pentagon is moving to take over healthcare? Think about that. The US military taking over healthcare and developing injections. In case you haven't noticed we are in an all out war and we are at the mercy of warmongers.

Transhumanism "is the final frontier" for the USAF (Space Command) and the way to get there is "inclusion"

Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit Conversation With Todd Callender [Video]

July 7, 2024 | By Forbidden Knowledge

Attorney Todd Callender joins Dr Ana Mihalcea with updates on work they are doing, both together and apart.

Dr Mihalcea has served as an expert witness to his law firm and how he was struck by her words; that the ubiquitous onslaught of SmartDust and nanotechnology in our food, water and air – to say nothing of in the jabs – was leading to what she calls the "polymerization of humanity."

As Todd explains, "We had a sample of the contents of a vial that was actually injected into one of our clients and we had those contents analyzed with mass spectrometry but also some other testing that happened. There were 99 pages of what, effectively are pathogens, different materials, including barium-137 – and cesium-137 – radioactive materials! amongst other things.

"And between seeing those being the contents of the shots and some of the other work that you have done; autopsies and for instance, clots coming out of cadavers, that our friend, Richard was pulling out, we kind of understand quite a bit more about what's happening – and you, I think, coined the term: it's the Polymerization of our Species: They are literally turning us into some kind of a plastic, including metal components!

"For example," Todd continues, "We found that there was tin in these big, white rubbery clots. We found that they also serve the purpose of being an antenna. Why? Because when cesium-137 is combined with living tissue, it changes that tissue – whether it's a plant or an animal or anything else – into a transducer-transceiver-receiver-and-amplifier, if you can imagine that, Ladies and Gentlemen; that they're turning us into electrical synthetic biology; vaccine slaves, polymerized slaves. That's the only way I really know how to put it."

"Absolutely," Dr Mihalcea responds, "And what's so interesting recently, I did an interview with an Argentinian group, Lorena de Blasi and Dr Marcela Sangorin and they found 54 undisclosed metals, including lanthanides and lanthanides are paramagnetic like neodymium magnets, for example and they're also fluorescent and they found signatures of graphene fluorescence and I just did an interview with Melissa McAtee, where we actually correlated these findings so, there is so much, in regards to the nanotechnology substrate and you know about Intrabody Area Network and all of these things. What is your view of litigation and bringing this out, more into the open?

"I'm so glad you asked that," Todd responds, "So you would recall our original case to try and stop the shots was based on the mandate the US military. Mr Austin, who was acting as a Secretary of Defense ordered 1.4 million of his service members to take these poison shots.

"So, he didn't care whether it was Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson – I don't think AstraZeneca was one of them – but any one of those was fine. Why? Because they all shared the same commonalities; the same hydrogel that includes these very contents that you're talking about; cesium amongst other things.

"Why? Because our military had been creating synthetic people; "Super Soldiers" since 2005 and we found all of their papers, talking about what happens when they turn people into simBio machines; effectively, programmable people – and all of it was crazy to understand this could even happen – even the Wireless Body Area Network.

"We found, in the military studies – look it up for yourself – C4591001: there was 44,000 service members and their families used as guinea pigs and they used something called an InTouch eDiary.

"Really, it was software loaded into their Fitbit or their phone and the military was monitoring cellular changes happening inside of these victims, these soldiers and their families in real-time. They knew the distribution, they knew the genetic modification, all of that information was gathered from their Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) and it was transmitted through the cell phone network to Israel, where that data was then, laundered.

"They filtered-out 1,200 deaths, an 82% spontaneous abortion rate and they said, 'Everything's safe and effective.'

"How do we know it wasn't safe and effective? Number One: there's dead people everywhere. But aside from that, Doctor, Pfizer had their 6-month post-marketing study released, pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act Request litigation.

"They were forced to disclose it and in that disclosure, it showed that these 44,000 people went home with 1,291 new diseases – 1,291 new diseases that they didn't go to the field trial with – which included gene modification. One-third of those new diseases were gene modification diseases, including gene deletion and things of that nature, so what we understood to be the case is that those 44,000 people were simply test subjects for a bioweapon; a bioweapon platform, and how it was that our military could use these weapons, these shots in a different bunch of modalities to do programming – what human do you want? It's not human anymore!"

Todd says that neither the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals nor the Supreme Court would hear this argument, even though the 2013 Supreme Court case, "'Molecular Pathology vs Myriad Genetic' had held that use of mRNA to create a synthetic product – in this case, vaxxed people – means that they belong to the patent holders." 

Todd says he put all of this information before Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, "Hey, you know, Mr Secretary of Defense, you are going to poison 1.4 million people! Never before have we put antifreeze in people's bloodstreams, directly! You can't do this! Please stop! And by the way – all the test animals died when we tested mRNA for the last 20 years, amongst other things."

So they knew, is what I'm trying to say to you, Doctor. They knew. They knew. They knew – and they did it, anyway. So how do we stop, how do we convince people? The attack is so grand, it is so complete, it is so sophisticated, that your Average Joe person – the bread-and-circus kind of people – it's beyond their comprehension, because they cannot allow themselves to believe it.

Todd asks, "Do humans have any human rights or any Constitutional charter rights, whatsoever – and that's what the next litigation is going to seek to establish that: What rights do we have?

"We're going to take our planet back, with your help, Doctor. We're going to help people understand all of this: what we're talking about today and we are going to take our bodies back, we’re going to take back God's creations, we're going to take back our planet."

He says, "Our species, itself is under attack and how do we wake people up? I guess, is the question. The only way we have found, Doctor is what I intend to use you and some of your colleagues; is to bring literally, a global class action lawsuit, where we get everybody that we possibly can involved.

"They need to be physically invested; you know be a plaintiff, emotionally invested and physically invested and that's the only way, I think is to help them take part in their own salvation – that our species is under attack…[they're] not just they're making us sick – they want to eradicate humanity."

Dr Mihalcea then talks about Clifford Carnicom was able to culture, from human blood the same polymer that has been seen removed from cadavers by undertakers around the world, from Richard Hirshman to John O'Looney.

This is what Carnicom calls "The origin or genesis of what used to be Morgellons." What Dr Mihalcea call "micro robots" and "nano robots", he calls "artificial cells". Dr Mihalcea says he was able to create this polymer in 30 days, which he then analyzed with Near Infrared Spectroscopy.

Dr Mihalcea says, "We had analyzed rubbery clots from a deceased individual, from a vaccine-injured individual and from an unvaccinated individual and showed that it had similar chemical features. And what you can see, here the growth pattern of this polymer in this dish. He's pulling it up and he can literally wrap it around, like a rubber-like material and he isolated exactly the same chemicals that we had found in the blood, which is polyvinyl chloride, which is plastic polyamide, which are nylons or silks, like spider silk or Kevlar, he found nitrile rubber and polyurethanes which are also plastics." 

This is just a small window onto this extraordinary conversation, well worth your time and fully transcribed below.

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Hello, I am so excited, today to welcome the attorney, world-famous hero and warrior, Todd Callender who by the way is the very reason of why I have this show. He talked me into it initially. I was like I'm too busy and here we are, Episode 27 and he's my honored and distinguished guest. Thank you so much Todd for joining me.

Todd Callender: No, this is really my honor. Thank you for accepting the challenge, Doctor because I don't know anybody else that has less time available than you do – and somehow you still make this work so really honor is mine, thank you!

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Thank you. So you know what we were discussing a bit is you and I both know that this is the COVID-19 biological weapon of mass destruction era has this technocratic background and that what I've been discovering; the nanotechnology the polymers that you know quite a bit about that and can you just explain a little bit about you know what you've independently found anyhow and then I’ll show you some of my latest images, as well because I think that it is quite important to awaken the world that this is a technological warfare for the transformation of humanity.

Todd Callender: It is and actually it might have been your words that led us down this road but it really is the "polymerization of humanity?" and…you had served as a as an effective expert witness to my law firm.

We had a sample of the contents of a vial that was actually injected into one of our clients and we had those contents analyzed with mass spectrometry but also some other testing that happened. There were 99 pages of what, effectively are pathogens, different materials, including barium-137 – and cesium-137 – radioactive materials! amongst other things.

And between seeing those being the contents of the shots and some of the other work that you have done; autopsies and for instance, clots coming out of cadavers, that our friend, Richard was pulling out, we kind of understand quite a bit more about what’s happening – and you, I think, coined the term: it's the Polymerization of our Species: They are literally turning us into some kind of a plastic, including metal components.

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge to continue reading. 

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