Friday, July 12, 2024

America has a problem

Editor's note: There is not only a "birther problem" with Kamala Harris but the US presents a problem and a threat to the rest of the world. The US-UK-NATO "axis of evil" are being manipulated into a war against Russia on the European continent while the US has a laughing problem. Biden and his laughing side kick vice president are a distraction to keep your attention focused on them while the US Treasury is looted and a war looms with Russia. Then we come to the evidence suggesting Harris is not eligible to hold the office of vice president and president if this is where this goes. 

Kamala Has a Birther Problem

July 12, 2024 | By Anonymous Patriots

Before AIMCat Christopher Strunk deceased, he prepared legal filings with the state of New York and Texas that Kamala Harris is not eligible to hold office of vice president and president.

We have attached these documents with their attachments so that should you wish to file suit against your state for permitting Kamala Harris on the ballot for the Office of President, you have plenty of judicially-recognized evidence.

This case was filed in the Southern District of Texas. Open PDF: 

Injunctive Relief Amicus Request

This case was filed in New York state:

Citizen Files Lawsuit Against Kamala Harris for Illegal Status as VP Candidate

This was removed from YouTube:

Raw audio file.

Please go to Aim Truth to continue reading and to view more images. 

And then there is the question of Obama's birth certificate:

Then there is this from Obama himself:

Then there is the question of President Biden referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Donald Trump":

And then we come to this possibility:

The Clinton-Harris Ticket

Or this profane absurdity:

Pelosi and Obama Plotting To Replace Biden With Michelle Obama

Gaslighting you on who can vote or not:

No, this is definitely not America...

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