Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"We must force humanity into collaboration."

Editor's note: Honestly, what the hell for? For singularity technologies? In order for AI to be fully brought online and weaponized to China's advantage? The urgency to place China in control of technology approaching disclosure? Can the Chinese handle disclosure better than Christian America? To fully transition to transhumanism? China is the global model. It has been argued quite convincingly, that if China succeeds in its technological ambitions promoted by the WEF, without America the world will not be a very nice place to live in. China has absolutely nothing in common with America or the rest of the west. Why is it that America and Russia are intentionally being kept apart as antagonists rather than evolving together? China's aggression towards the west isn't overt. It is subliminal. 

Globalist front man Klaus Schwab tells elitist followers they must 'force' humanity into a world ruled by AI and other dehumanizing technologies

We are in a state of emegency as we see the disintegration of America. Listen to this short discussion. If China takes over world technocratic hegemony, "we are talking about the brutalist technocratically cold void of any metaphysical meaning and the end of history." China is "working with technology to become almost a different kind of species." The WEF is alright with "China becoming an inhuman hive-like mind species that diverges from homo sapiens?" Chinese culture is extremely collectivist and they will use these singularity technologies and AI to emphasize these traits.  This is exactly why China is being promoted by the WEF as a technological model for our future. 

Does anyone honestly think China is at all concerned about "net zero?" Why is it the west is getting bludgeoned to death with net zero, 30 million migrants under Biden and climate change? If America falls the entire dynamics of the world changes.


Listen to Donald Trump describe China's leader "who is a fierce person":

Have you figured it out yet? "The west is the best": 

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