Thursday, July 25, 2024

It's in the terminology they use...

Editor's note: ...that you can sense the coming stench of war. It is time to seriously start looking for bug out locations, searching out and securing personal resources for you survival, develop your support networks and to learn new skills because war is coming. When this guy shows up in Washington wearing his symbolic white shirt and blue tie to tell the US congress and senate what they are going to do, you can practically smell death. With "AIPAC babysitters" for every US senate and congressional member standing ovations are for war. When the British start throwing around terms like "axis of upheaval" (Russia, China, North Korea and Iran), "taking them out beforehand" and "trigger a sympathetic detonation," prepare yourselves because the UK-US-NATO pirates are planning for war. Russia, China, North Korea and Iran call it BRICS, or trade agreements to build infrastructure, the UK-US-NATO "axis of evil" call it a "military alliance." The British are already fighting in Gaza and in Ukraine:


UK must be ready for war in three years, head of British Army warns

Is the US capable of fighting when the British and Israel drag the American people into a war?

The US "defense budget" is nothing but a jobs program and defrauding of the US economy

The cell phone culture as war approaches:

SELCO: "The Majority Will Die in SHTF Trying to Record It on Their Phones"

Do Americans get to vote on whether or not they want to go to war for Israel? 

Preparations for war after Trump takes office?

Trump Allies Draft AI Order To Launch 'Manhattan Projects' For Defense

The Pentagon's generals:

American general: Russia, which has restored its military power, awaits us on the horizon

The British ("double the ability of the army to fight and kill by 2027") have also called for the development of AI weapons and advanced technology to fight with in this coming war:

Weapons, weapons, weapons...for the entire US economy being at war is far more important than winning a war:

White House Approves Nearly $3 Billion Weapons Sale to Saudi Arabia

This was meant to generate serious blowback in the Islamic world in the Middle East:

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