Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What is your stake in the game?

Editor's note: Most of the various reporting on the alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump were provided here and here because it all seemed so convincingly real. Maybe we were all totally hoodwinked and the assassination attempt actually was an elaborately staged shooting with perhaps unfortunately an idiot pasty who might have been killed. There is a third option here: DO NOT participate in this chaos and insanity. This event polarized Americans and they have been set up to fight each other. Here is an essay providing further details others have missed in their reporting. The people over at AIM were the first to call the assassination attempt staged. We have already posted material on how Trump's selection of J.D. Vance for his vice president has already been established well in advance as J.D. Vance immediately talks about "punching Iran hard." It has been demonstrated how J.D. Vance is a British asset (see The Hillbilly From Ohio) who has been vetted through the regular private intelligence networks. J.D. Vance's comment on "punching Iran hard" came after the CNN intelligence agency (government by media) ran a bullshit story about an "Iranian plot to assassinate Trump." When all of this is taken into context it appears more likely the assassination attempt on Trump was all staged. What all this means is that Israel owns America and Trump along with British asset J.D. Trump are going to take America to war. Here comes the new Christian Reich. Trump survived: It was a "mandate from heaven."

The Trump Shooting Was Of Course Staged

The only question here is did Trump know it was all staged? Those magic bullets, hey? Yes, "God works in mysterious ways":

There are good conspiracy theories and bad conspiracy theories:

Response to Substack Authors Who Claim Trump Assassination Attempt Was Staged

The British running their assets in the US for Israel:

Boris Johnson urges Trump to stand by Ukraine

Mission accomplished: They all fell in line behind Trump (it was "divine intervention") after this likely elaborately staged assassination attempt. The billionaire Bill Ackman of course is an Ashkenazi Jew:

Good question: What in the fuck is this?

When God shows up...or, when the Jewish Rabbis show up (see above linked wtf video) is more like it:

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