Monday, July 1, 2024

These are demons out of the closet

Editor's note: The architecture of this financial and economic system we are born into is a predator and prey ecosphere. It is mistaken as "capitalism." Imagine a private equity firm dictating to you how your children will be educated? The disadvantage we have is that our children are not taught this from the very beginning particularly not educated on money creation and how central banks are essentially harvesting machines. By the time American children graduate from high school in this "new learning system", they know more about social media networking and smart phones than they do anything at all about money creation, central banking and how the globalists have monopolized commerce for their own benefit. When you visit the White House website to find the FACT SHEET discussed in the clip below, all this can be verified. When you do a search off the same website you will be able to find all of the references to "global infrastructure." Once you understand what is happening you will also understand why BlackRock's Larry Fink was invited to the G7 Summit and why Fink wants oligarchs to "buy up global infrastructure" and that includes infrastructure in Ukraine.

Ports are the hubs of control for this "global infrastructure" that is being slammed together. Inland and Seaports. "Port" is a logical definition. A port is obviously on the water. It is not obvious in the middle of a desert. The trick the globalists are pulling off are partnership agreements between officials of a domestic jurisdiction with an international partner jurisdiction for international commerce. For example the Kansas City Smart Port. Port-to-port-to-port is how the globalists (oligarchs) are taking over as capitalism is monopolized devolving our existence into a digital communist neo-feudalism. What these globalists are in fact doing are "building tyranny through international agreements." In this clip Yanis Varoufakis is explaining that capitalism has devolved into something far worse in what he calls. "techno-feudalism" (also Pillaging by the Super-Rich). These private equity globalists are harvesting human creativity and natural curiosity all for inhumane ends.

In this discussion, Grace Blakeley explains how "capitalism has enslaved us." It is not capitalism. It is a predator and prey ecosphere (vulture capitalism) that is defined by those who create the money and dole it out to oligarchs who are most favored building a globalist port-to-port infrastructure with "ports as principalities." The result of BlackRock becoming a proxy for the Federal Reserve

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