Thursday, July 25, 2024

For the Pacific-Asian region remilitarization is an unsettling thought...

Editor's note: Japan remilitarizes. US vassal state of Japan continues to ruin its long term relationship with its neighbor Russia. The country of Japan will never see the Kuril islands returned with the Russians knowing full well if they did return the islands to Japan the Japanese would allow the US military to station missiles on the islands. The Kuril islands region are an incredibly rich fishing grounds. The US-UK-NATO axis has been working to bring Japan into NATO with NATO being organized to enforce globalist policies. As such, Japan is a useful pretext for the US-UK-NATO triumverate to validate and expand militarization. In this context what exactly are China's goals and are they being properly interpeetated by western militarists. NATO's new focus in the Asia-Pacific region is a security threat to Russia and Moscow is obliged to respond. NATO is a war machine. And the really inexplicablly bizarre world we are forced to suffer under is the possbility NASA will ask for Russia's help in bringing back the two NASA astronauts who have been delayed one month from returning from the International Space Station despite Russia ending its cooperation.

Is China a Friend or Enemy of the NWO? Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops

Japan and US expand military activity near Russian border – Moscow

Tokyo is helping Washington to spread its influence in the Asia-Pacific, Russia's deputy foreign minister has said

July 24, 2024 | By RT

The US and Japan have ramped up naval activity near the Russian border, posing a threat to the country's national security, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko has said. 

In an interview with TASS on Wednesday, he said Tokyo had embarked on a course of "accelerated re-militarization" as it continues to beef up its military capabilities. Japan has expanded its joint naval activity with the US in close proximity to Russia's border in the Far East, Rudenko noted. 

He pointed to Washington and Tokyo's effort to involve countries from regions outside the Asia-Pacific in this activity, in particular NATO member states.

"Tokyo acts as a key promoter of Washington's initiatives and concepts, including the creation of narrow bloc associations in the Asia-Pacific region aimed at 'dual containment' of Russia and China," Rudenko said.

The deputy foreign minister also highlighted Tokyo's attempts to "erode" the country's nuclear-free status. He mentioned, in particular, ongoing discussions regarding a possible deployment of US medium-range missiles in Japan, warning that any "potential threats to Russia's Far Eastern border will not go unanswered."

READ MORE: Japan must get closer to NATO – PM

The remark comes as Japan and the US are set to draft their first joint document on expanded deterrence policy. The US, which once bombed Japan with nuclear weapons, is now committed to protecting its ally and deterring attacks using its arsenal, including nuclear weapons.

"Our security treaty commitments to our Japanese allies are ironclad and we're committed to using all means at America's disposal, including nuclear, to make sure that we meet those commitments," Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink said on Monday.

Please go to RT to continue reading.

Mending ties? With NATO breathing down the Pacific-Asia region? Where are the discussions taking place between NATO and US business leaders?

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The next thing we will be faced with is the possibility of NATO airstrikes on rail transport lines:

Iran, China launch freight trains as part of new rail corridor

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