Friday, July 12, 2024

National Science Foundation (NSF) morphs into a totalitarian anti-science bureaucratic stakeholder protector for the Anglo-American controlled UN

Editor's note: The new term going around the internet is "censorship industrial complex" and this censorship can be traced back to the National Science Foundation (NSF). An oxymoron: "Science" and censorship going on at the NSF set up by congress in 1950 to "support fundamental research" as an "independent agency" of the US federal government. The NSF is a federally subcontracted corporation (NSF employees have cushy jobs with GS level ratings with around 4,169 current employees) with a FY 23 budget of around $10 billion that saw a 12 percent budget increase in FY 23. Why the large increase? To increase censorship, of course. The NSF has as its current director a "servitor of empire" (studies in the dark side of Asian America), Sethuraman Panchanathan, who was born in India. The UN corporation is an Anglo-American operation that has as its goal the monopolization of resources - especially Russia's resources - for private corporations calling it "finding peaceful solutions." The NSF works with the UN on the UN's Agenda 2030 meaning you are required to "trust the science" on sustainability being put out by the NSF and the UN. And to compel you into trusting the science" the NSF is at the center of the "censorship industrial complex." The next thing Americans will learn is that the NSF morphs into a federal law enforcement agency with arrest powers and their employees armed with guns. One more thing: There is no real "congressional oversight" despite the contrary on the NSF. There is too much power, money and greed involved.


Advise to the UN Summit of the Future: Establish a Global Governance Body to Control All Life Supporting Systems on the Planet

The National Science Foundation Is a Driving Force Behind the Censorship Industrial Complex

By Prof. Bill Willers | December 6, 2023

Essential to science, whether basic or applied, is the freedom of open discussion and debate. When varying interpretations exist, no opinion should be purged. Any entity, individual or collective, claiming authority to impose its determination of what is truth and what is "misinformation" is totalitarian and anti-science by definition. So it is the height of irony that the nation's agency representing science, the National Science Foundation, has become a primary instrument for the protection of official governmental narrative and the attack on opposing views. But there you are. 

That both the universities of Washington and Wisconsin [Madison] are being funded by NSF through its Convergence Accelerator program was detailed on Global Research in August. To these NSF-funded projects must be added Stanford University, which is working in close association with U of WA. In all cases, the search is for detecting and countering "misinformation" on social media. Special emphasis is on Covid-19, vaccination hesitancy and the growing conviction that elections have been, and continue to be, stolen

Stanford, through the Stanford Internet Observatory, and U of WA, through its Center For An Informed Public, joined with the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensics Research Lab and Graphika, a company using AI to study the internet, to create the Election Integrity Partnership. A reading of the one page Executive Summary of EIP's final report, which begins with "On January 6, 2021, an armed mob stormed the US Capitol…..", and ends with "All stakeholders must focus on predicting and pre-bunking false narratives …..", is an enlightening glimpse into the thinking and strategy permeating the Censorship Industrial Complex.

((ASIDE: On November 6, 2023 the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives reported that agencies in both the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security coordinated with Stanford University in creating the Election Integrity Partnership, which was created at the request of DHS. See HERE for a one page 'bullet' list of who is to be targeted by EIP for censorship.))

Meanwhile, faculty at the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota was invited in 2022 to join a "team of researchers" in a project called Course Correct, a “weapon" designed to be "a tool for journalists that can help identify and correct misinformation online." Again, funding for this "team of researchers" was coming from NSF. Here is the $5 million grant, as outlined at the NSF website, revealing the lead role in this 'Team' to be the University of Wisconsin's School of Journalism and Mass Communication, cited above regarding another NSF grant to U of WI. The University of Minnesota joined the "Team" to facilitate work on Phase 2 of the larger NSF grant.

Things are changing so quickly it's hard to keep up. Only two years ago, virtually all governmental, media and celebrity "influencer" sources were functioning like a coordinated drone attack from every information outlet assuring the public that: Covid-19 vaccination is "safe and effective", "stops the disease in its tracks", "Nobody is safe until everyone is safe", "The unvaccinated are the enemy… and … shouldn't be welcomed in polite society", etc. If you've forgotten, here's an 11-minute trip down memory lane (see video below). Remember now?

At the same time, all voices to the contrary have been either rendered invisible or accused of "misinformation" or of "conspiracy theory", that CIA-inspired gem. But as old items of misinformation and conspiracy theory are revealed as having been true all along (eg, here and here), the System simply doubles down. But then, why not, when all key elements — governmental agencies, intelligence/military, Pharma, big tech, big banks, mainstream media, “higher education” — all are now occupied territory by globalist interests that have placed their representative to form an information control grid. Even the White House is now part of it.

Please go to Counter Information to continue reading.

Make note of the fact that election fraud took place in Wisconsin by the head of the Election Committee in Milwaukee by Claire Woodall-Vogg. Is Claire Woodall-Vogg connected to the University of Wisconsin or the NSF? Conspiracy and conspiracy to commit election fraud? Madison at one time during the Soviet era was referred to as "little Moscow." Apparently, the leftists in Madison and Milwaukee live up to their reputation and name.

The Convergence Accelerator mentioned above connected to the NSF. The Convergence Accelerator is really the nerve center of the technocratic police state. "Cross-cutting" is the key to understanding how this is all connected. For example, automation for the highways, links to car registration, links to driver's licenses, links to police records. The more hidden connections - 1966 Highway Safety Act - hospital emergency rooms near interstate exits for rapid transport of accident victims. This led also led to the 9-11 system which of course today links to CCTV cameras, data bases, satellite systems and CAD mapping systems. Cross cutting means interfaces to other data systems when linked, creates a corporatized, ultimately fascist system of control. This is why privatization is a threat even more so when the US congress and senate are in on it despite "congressional oversight." But what if the American people don't want a powerful impact and planned convergence accelerator imposed on them by an unelected federally subcontracted corporation working to privatize resources? This is all being built on the public till.

The first order of precedent is to get a grant from Uncle Sugar:

The fraud that keeps on giving - but not to you:

This is what the NSF supports:

The ONLY entity that has a monopoly on scientific truth and knows what are the most appropriate and state approved sources of information:

The NSF's government-private partnerships:

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