Saturday, July 6, 2024

Climate Change replaced nuclear b*mbs as the global weapon of terror

Editor's note: There is overwhelming evidence compiled over years of work and debate to demonstrate nuclear weapons were the largest financial fraud of the 20th century while simultaneously used to terrorize the world's population into submission. This is exactly what "climate change" has been used to do since the threat of nuclear war lost its magic spell of terror over people. The US military (DoD) were behind the constant threat of nuclear war during the cold war and had produced something like 90,000 films at their movie studio in Laurel Canyon to convince Americans nuclear weapons were real. The DoD (technocrats and scientists of science fiction) as it turns out is behind climate change and partially explains why John Kerry was their climate change priest class overlord. Kerry was in the military. A useful skill to have convincing Americans when climate change is an enormous fraud. Al Gore stated it for us: "The new organizing principle of the world will be to save the's the beginning of a completely new direction in world history." The US military (the Pentagon and the US military) have turned their "gun sights" on the American people again. The threat of nuclear war was a terror propaganda campaign waged against the American people. Climate change is a terror propaganda campaign. Climate change replaced nukes as a weapon of terror. The nuclear war idea was a military threat put forward through wonk tanks like the Rand Corporation. Does the name Herman Kahn jog any memories ("an astonishingly good idea")?

Rio 1992: Launch of the New Green Deal

By Vicky Davis | May 16, 2019

During the first two weeks of June in 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – also known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. It was a meeting of parliamentary leaders who were being asked to sign two treaties: the Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity – both legally binding. There was a second group at the Summit, the Forum of Spiritual Leaders who dubbed the Conference, the Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival. 

On June 2, 1992, one day before the Summit was scheduled to begin, Senator Al Gore was the guest on C-Span. The following was the first question along with Gore’s answer: 
Q: Senator Al Gore, Why is the UN Earth Summit in Rio so critical to the world?

A: It's the beginning of a completely new direction in world history. I don't think that overstates it because now with communism defeated and the world conceiving of itself as a single community of nations making up a global civilization, the task of saving the earth's environment is going to become the central organizing principle in the post-cold war world.
The magnitude of what Al Gore said can't be overstated: 

The new organizing principle of the world will be to save the environment! 

Of course a new organizing principle for the world meant that new leadership for the world was required because the old leadership would be locked into the mindset of the old way of doing things. Senators Al Gore and John Kerry had a solution for that – new global leadership. In the introduction of Senator Gore for the keynote address for the Earth Summit, the host for the event, John Denver introduced Al Gore as the President of Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE). [Note: the slimey devils of GLOBE changed the history page that I linked to above. I recovered the original page from the Internet Archive. GLOBE history original page. Here is a link to the new history page. Why do you suppose they wanted to change history???]

The Heart of the Conspiracy for the 21st Century Panopticon

GLOBE was founded in 1989, the same year that the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization was founded. The following is an excerpt from GLOBE's history:
"GLOBE International was originally founded in 1989 by legislators from the US Congress, European Parliament, Japanese Diet and the Russian State Duma with the mission to respond to urgent environmental challenges through the development and advancement of legislation."
"Japan and the Soviet Union were working together and the focus was on a new non-military form of security for the region." 1988
On the GLOBE history page:

A policy programme focusing on the advancement of environmental economic accounting as a tool for decision-making and, where appropriate, the incorporation of the valuation of natural capital into national accounts was launched in a summit held in the German Bundestag in June 2013.

One of the questioners at the Spiritual Forum (June 5) asked about environmental accounting and possibly modifying the national accounts ledger. Al Gore answered in the affirmative.

Please go to Technocratic Tyranny to continue reading.

Yes, the green scam is dying and the sooner the better. The only concern is what scam is going to be initiated next? Extraterrestrial aliens? UFO threats?

The British are still scaring people with the nuclear threatening clubbing people over the heads. Do it, Britain. Fire a nuke! Demonstrate to the world they exist.

The technocratic maniacs actually pulled this shit off on children and they all grew up to believe it just as children grew up to believe in climate change:

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