Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The "purveyors of profit" are preparing to give us another "serving of DEATHVAX™"

Editor's note: Brace yoursleves: Incoming! Sufficiently terrified yet? Ready for "another serving of DEATHVAX™?" We are going to get slammed again with another scamdemic so the biodefense industry can be built along with the biotechnology industry for massive corporate profit taking.  This is what happens when governments are privatized. There is absolutely no oversight to oversee exactly what is going on here. These related corporations are in a position of "partnership" with government will always take the opportunity to make even more money. That's like a law of nature in this predator and prey corporate ecosphere some mistakenly refer to as "capitalism." These corporations will do it without a government partnership agreement. Are you going to rely on the US congress for oversight? Don't be a fool. The partnership agreement is like permission for collusion. This is the execution of dialectics and is commonplace out of the need to convince people of the need. What the hell are we dealing with here? The corporate people who reach the commanding heights of corporate power and government don't do all this because they are lilly-white Pollyannas and want to keep you safe. It should be a general rule of thumb to understand that many people who climb this high in these corporations are psychopaths and they have one objective and that's power. And how does power manifest itself: Money. Any philanthropy or the pretense of a heart are strictly public relations marketing. Summits are smoke screen bullshit cover.

PSYOP-DISEASE-X Rising: CDC Fearmongers Bird Flu Followup Scamdemic

'Monetizing Fear': Bird Flu Summit a 'Trade Show for Biodefense Industry'

A conference planning company is organizing the International Bird Flu Summit to discuss preparedness and response countermeasures — including mass vaccination and quarantine efforts. One critic said the organizers are "purveyors of profit, not preparedness."

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. | July 16, 2024

Organizers of the International Bird Flu Summit to be held this fall in Washington, D.C., are planning sessions to discuss preparedness and response countermeasures — including mass vaccination and quarantine efforts. 

The summit — organized by the privately held company SyllabusX — targets a wide audience: public health officials, international agencies and organizations, public policymakers, the pharmaceutical industry, scientists, researchers, and stakeholders in industries such as poultry production, livestock, diagnostics, food safety and healthcare. 

"With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans," the event's website states, “it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies, and the future implications of this evolving situation.”

SyllabusX did not respond when The Defender asked who hired the company to organize the summit.

Internist and bioweapons expert Dr. Meryl Nass told The Defender the conference was "basically a trade show" designed to fuel the biodefense industry.

SyllabusX, a conference planning company, is charging a lot of money for admission, Nass said. "What they're giving the attendees is an opportunity to find out what contracts may be available to them so that they can get government — or other — contracts."

SyllabusX's chief research officer, Ahmed Al Faraj, is a "business executive with a proven track record in international defense sales," according to his LinkedIn profile.

Nass noted that the conference website wasn't very well designed, leading some people to think it was a scam. "But no, they have these things all the time,” she said, “because there’s quite a big biodefense industry now and you have to feed it. Right now the way to feed it is with bird flu contracts — and that could be anything from selling nets for chickens to vaccines," Nass said.

Nass — who has written extensively on bird flu on her Substack — said the virus has been "ginned up" as an existential threat for 20 years.

Two decades ago, there was a type of bird flu that killed roughly 60% of the people who had it. However, the virus has mutated, she said. "So it is no longer a deadly disease."

Additionally, the bird flu has never been transmitted from human to human — although labs doing gain-of-function research could manipulate the virus so that it becomes transmissible by humans, Nass said.

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., Children's Health Defense chief scientific officer, told The Defender the conference was "capitalizing on and monetizing fear" around the threat posed by the labs that do gain-of-function work on bird flu viruses.

"The conference organizers are peddling fear porn as opportunists and grifters who, like Tony Fauci during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, seek to increase their wealth at the expense of others," he said. "They are purveyors of profit, not preparedness."

Hooker added that little is known about what is going on in bird flu gain-of-function labs. "We really have no idea what might happen as they are not held to account regarding what strains they have developed and the threat posed to humans. Their work is covered by a big black box."

Please go to the Defender to continue reading.

Psychopaths and parasites:

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