Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wisconsin is captured territory...

Editor's note: ...as you carefully observe the substrate of the self-serving US military occupation tripe with its strawmen (bowling pins of communist brainwashees/agents). Communism was formulated by depraved oligarchs in the City of London (Rothschilds - Judeo-Protestant plutocrats - East India Company slavery dynasties) and propagated through Jacobin-type Freemasonic lodges in Paris (Grand Orient in particular), and presumably synagogues in New York and Chicago, to train a generation of Red political saboteurs and stage revolutions in Moscow, Peking, Madison, Wisconsin and elsewhere using hypercapitalist-trained agents including journalists to form stories. Divide and rule: dialectical manipulation and binary warfare, "left" versus "right" to weaken and steal from the productive class in this predator and prey ecosphere. Fascists blackwashing workers' and peace activists' rights – those malcontents are just ungrateful greedy "communists". Then you have the Pentagon assets like Jack Posobeic and other US military assets in civies steering the US towards fascism to "protect the country from communists" on the other side of the spectrum. The dialectical mind fuck. Are you woke yet while listening to Harris cackle?

Communist History Of V. P. Kamala Harris

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