Thursday, July 18, 2024

Why are we always forced to see the world through a Jewish lens?

Editor's note: Religion is not "the foundation of western civilization." Men with thinking brains are the foundation of any civlization. Does Thomas Paine come to mind who Americans have forgotten about or know nothing of what Paine did to make the American civilization possible? Religion is just one component. Is this the culmination of American civilization? Pledging the service of America to another country? Let this Jew sue Harvard all he wants. Harvard has the largest endowment of any university in America and is probably managed by Jews at Harvard Management who flip Harvard graduates in and out of Wall Street. Milwaukee is lil' Tel Aviv where Golda Meir was raised so Shabbos Kestenbaum would be right at home. All this while Trump is turned into a God-king for Israel. We are being vectored by religion. Thinking men do not allow this to happen to themselves. Thomas Paine didn't. You can control men's thinking with religion but you cannot control the mind of a man who thinks.

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