Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It is difficult to discern...

Editor's note: ...the taste of fascism. The thing about fascism is that it is not easily recognizable as it gradually takes over democracy (if you believe in democracy) then destroys it under a veil of patriotism. Violence is always associated with fascism. Watch Hulk Hogan at the RNC convention introduce the WWE affiliated Donald Trump. Fascism arrives on the ripped T-shirt of populism (ripping a T-shirt off is a form of soft violence and subconsciously perceived as a threat) and that is what makes it difficult to discern. Fascism is associated with great showmanship and pageantry but it is not seen as fascism where in America it is disguised under the idea of "American exceptionalism." We're number one. We're the best. US military aviation flybys at professional sporting events. America, America, America goes the chant with a huge American flag the size of a football field unfolded with a military color guard marching across the field. Patriotism to what exactly? The US military as the epitome of America? And the military at Bethesda pushing experimental drugs onto the professional body building scene. Over 2,400 Hollywood movies produced with the Pentagon's backing. Everything in American "culture" has a substrate of the US military built into it and it is not being properly interpreted. This is all flirting with disaster.

America is flirting with disaster...

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