Sunday, July 21, 2024

The greatest mistake made was mandating the Covid injections

Editor's note: If you have not heard the testimony of ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines being "toxic" and should not have been mandated you will now. Dr. Redfield also called for a pause in the gain-of-function research and you will understand why in the below linked hearings.

Former CDC Director comes out AGAINST mRNA "Vaccines"

Then we have the other hearings going on as to where the "virus" orginated from: 

Are you sure you want this toxic shit injected into you?

The GIANT nanotech cover-up the press won't reveal

You might want to try to get that toxic shit out of your system so you can begin dating again:

Dating Divide Over Vaccination Status Splits Those Looking for a Partner

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