Monday, July 29, 2024

London Corporate Offices of Osama bin Laden's Terrorist™ Inc. Firm

Editor's note: Considering the British BAE Systems is one of the largest weapons providers to the petrodollar regime in Saudi Arabia ($19 billion over the last five years to shoot at Yemen) where 19 hijackers were sourced from as patsy terrorists™ with incredibly talented and diverse flying skills, it comes as no surprise really that Osama bin-Laden had his Terrorist™ Corporate Inc. offices set up in the pirate City of London. The attacks on America on September 11, 2001 were partially planned in the UK by the intelligence appartus there. Understand that terroism™ in the Middle East never existed until the British forward fire base in Israel was established. Terrorism™ originated out of US, UK and Israeli military funded wonk tanks as a formidable and extremely profitable commercial business model. Questions remain as to "why the UK authorities allowed the Al-Qaeda™ terrorist™ leader to run an office in the British capital for four years." There are no questions. It should be obvious as to why by now. And who's "authorities" are they anyway? The pirate City of London's commercial warfare on the world is to arm everyone, sabotage local opposition in respective countries and then sit back and watch people kill each other, i.e. Ukraine. And who provided the intelligence to the Al-Qaeda™ terrorists™ in northern Mali that just killed Russian Wagner PMCs in an ambush?

When Bin Laden Set Up a Base In London

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