Sunday, July 21, 2024

America does not need Trump or any other corporate clown...

Editor's note: vote for yourself. Vote for the individual. A review, summary and solutions. The mass social engineering event is completely off the charts. Then we get a CrowdStrike cyber-engineered global IT outage immediately after the RNC WWE show. As it stands right now, the Canadians and the British will now be required to register in the ETIAS system before they can travel to Europe. This is full in your face globalist corporate techno fascism. What did Trump say in his acceptance speech? He wants to drop a Chinese automobile manufacturing plant into America.

Mike Stone - Forgive Trump His Fakery

July 20, 2024

Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing

After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is four more years of an impostor pretending to be Joe Biden, or four more years of Donald Trump, I'll take Trump.

Seven signs of a fake shooting (See inside)

Makow Disclaimer- Trump is being installed to lead the West into a suicidal world war against Iran, Russia and China. He is a traitor and Americans are inveterate rubes. All world wars are orchestrated to kill patriots and increase the wealth and power of the central bankers. They couldn't impose their tyranny with lockdowns and toxic vaccines. WW3 will bring in Agenda 2030. 

By Mike Stone

Would you rather Trump play fair and lose the election?

Because the other side is never going to play fair. The other side stole the last two elections. The other side staged a fake pandemic and duped millions of people into taking a deadly "vaccine." The other side, along with their followers, is completely unhinged. They would kill Trump, his entire family, and all of his supporters if they could. So what's wrong with fighting fire with fire, or, to put it more accurately, fighting fakery with fakery?

Do you know a single brain-dead Democrat that feels even the slightest remorse over the last two stolen elections? Of course, you don't. They are incapable of remorse. If you don't believe me, ask your Democrat friends and family members if they feel bad about the stolen presidential election of 2020, or the stolen midterm elections of 2022. You don't have to tell me how they'll respond. I already know.

If they feel no remorse over the crooked dealings of their political leaders, why should you feel remorse over Donald Trump giving them a taste of their own medicine? And when Trump wins in November, you should openly gloat about it, and rub it in as much as you can.

"Man, if they hadn't have tried to kill Trump, he never would have won. What a lucky break that was. And to think some people actually thought that shooting was fake." Go ahead. Do it. Have a little fun for a change.

Real or Fake?

For those of you still teetering on the fence about whether this event was real or fake, consider this: the assassination attempt of Donald Trump fits 7 of my 12 Telltale Signs of a Fake Shooting. 

The 7 signs we see in this "shooting" are: no blood, no bodies, no surveillance video; Go Fund Me accounts set up within 24 hours of the event; non-stop media coverage; evidence immediately destroyed; the alleged perpetrator immediately caught or killed; multiple shooters; principals involved are current or former actors.

1) No blood, no bodies, no surveillance video: There is no photographic evidence that Corey Comperatore was killed. Have you seen his bloody corpse? I haven't. Nobody has.

Comperatore has been described as the volunteer fire chief for Buffalo Township Fire Company 27, but did you see the memorial they set up for him at his own fire station? They spelled his name wrong. Then they did it again at the Republican National Convention. Was it because the Buffalo Township Fire Company never heard of the guy, or was it a subtle tell to those in the know?

They do that, you know. Throw out little signs to rub it in people's faces. Why do you think that video of a smirking Robbie Parker was leaked to the public? It wasn't done by accident.

2) Go Fund Me accounts set up within 24 hours: In this case, the Go Fund Me accounts went up so fast it was as if they had already been planned. And they've raised millions. This is one of the ways in which participants get paid.

3) Non-stop media coverage: The entire mainstream media is claiming, without exception, that the incident in Pennsylvania was an assassination attempt by a lone gunman. In case you forgot, the first rule when it comes to analyzing data is that the actual truth in any situation is the exact opposite of whatever the mainstream media is reporting. That has held true 100% of the time over the last 100+ years. Why would this be the lone exception?

Remember, these are the same people who told you that a non-existent virus was out to kill you. The same people who told you that a deadly and fake vaccine was "safe and effective." The same people who told you that a man pretending to be Joe Biden got 81 million votes in the 2020 election. Did you forget all of that? The media has zero credibility. If they're claiming it was a real assassination attempt, you can bet your bottom dollar it wasn't.

4) Evidence immediately destroyed: Police have already hosed down the roof of the building where the alleged shooter was said to be, along with the roof where the counter sniper was. Why do you think they did that so fast?

5) The alleged perpetrator immediately caught or killed: Yup, a feminine-acting soyboy with no motive whatsoever to shoot at Trump. He's gone now (if he ever existed) and can't be questioned. Dead men tell no tales.

6) Multiple shooters: We now have numerous "eye witnesses" who claim they saw multiple shooters at the event.

7) Principals involved are current or former actors: Donald Trump is an actor, and a pretty good one. Or did you forget about that?

Of course, I can't leave this topic without warning you once again that even with Trump in the White House nothing is going to change in the long run. People are too mired in sin, too intent on damning their souls to hell, for anything substantial to change.

And what in the world is going on with the Republican Party? As Andrew Anglin put it after watching the Republican National Convention, "It's strippers, it's homos, it's foreign religious rituals, it's fake ear bandages, it's believing stupid shooting hoaxes, it's calling for mass immigration from India, it's endless wars with Israel's enemies."

I will say this about the RNC. Kai Trump did a good job of humanizing her grandfather: 

Dr. Shiva pulls no punches taking down Trump and Booby Kennedy. Dr. Shiva is right: the cabal is weak, imbalanced, getting more desperate by the day. Knock the U.S. presidential selection off the table: America does not need Trump or any other corporate clown.

Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The Trump "Shooting – The REAL Winner. The REAL Deception


International Public Notice: Modus Operandi

July 20, 2024 | By Anna Von Reitz

Many of the things that the enemies of mankind do are anti-intuitive and diabolical. The Liars use inverted reasoning. Let's give some examples:

Remember the story in the Bible where Jesus washes the feet of his Disciples? Most people think of this in terms of the Master humbling himself to serve his students -- the Master becomes the Servant.

The Liars think of it in terms of the Servant becoming the Master. Masters become dependent on Servants....and as a result, the Servants become the Masters.

As another example from Christendom:

Most people looking at a Crucifix contemplate the suffering of Jesus and behold their own iniquities; it inspires them to live better lives.

The Liars look at the same Crucifix and think --- death and the devil win every time. Might as well be on the "winning" side.

This same sly and inverted way of thinking makes such people "double-minded". They not only realize that there are two sides to everything, they see both sides immediately, and for expedience, choose the wrong side.

The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means in their view.

The Hegelian Dialectic is perfect for them: create a problem, draw attention to the problem, present the solution to the problem, get paid for solving the problem you created.

Or as one of our Marshals-at-Arms observed: "They create a False Narrative, pretend that I'm their enemy, and fight against what they've created."

This is the Modus Operandi of the Liars in motion, and it is a learned behavior.

Many people who are doing this and demonstrating this "double-mindedness" aren't even aware of what they are doing. Like their more skilled and aware counterparts, they are causing trouble and confusion in the world, but without a clear motive.

They are just doing it to feel like they are doing something important and to get attention for their gossiping and reckless suppositions. Other more adept Liars use the same basic drill to get job advancements, money, and coercive power.

Impersonation and substitution fraud are also deeply ingrained practices among the Liars. Like everything else associated with this Cult, it began in Mesopotamia, in Babylon, and was carried through in the Hebrew tradition as well.

What did Jacob the Liar do, but substitute himself for his brother, Esau, and impersonate Esau to steal his brother's birthright?

How is that any different from what the Liars have attempted to do here and now with our Government and with ourselves?

They have substituted their corporate franchises for our American States-of-States.

They have misrepresented themselves as our custodians in our "absence", when we've been here all along.

They have impersonated us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. They have impersonated us as Municipal Corporation franchises.

This is no particular reflection upon the Jews. Many ancient peoples used "mirroring" to defraud.

The Phoenicians were famous for it, so much so, that the modern slang word "phony" became popular and the Phoenicians themselves were held in near-universal disrespect and distrust.

Let us suggest that, given the solid evidence, they managed to migrate to Scotland and England and weaseled their way into power using the same old implements: lies, double-mindedness, illusions, reversed logic, substitution, impersonation, misrepresentation, confusion, and the Hegelian Dialectic -- creating problems, solving the problem thus created, and being rewarded for doing so.

In our country, both the offending corporations, the Municipal UNITED STATES and the British Crown entity known as "the United States of America, Incorporated", have both ultimately been owned and operated by the Popes, through their loyal Overseers of the Commonwealth -- the British Monarchs and British Crown operators.

These Principals and their corporations haven't been at war with each other in any sense. Not even a mercenary "war". It has all been sheer pretense for profit, a carrot and stick routine, or perhaps more aptly, a game of Good Cop/Bad Cop, all of it rooted in ancient modes of thinking and doing things first practiced by the Babylonians, Sumerians, and Akkadians.

We very recently witnessed precisely such an old, old practice deriving from these Middle Eastern cultures; the Ritual Killing of the King happened last Saturday, with the attack on Donald Trump.

In this Ritual, a scapegoat impersonates the King, so that assassins or bad luck or whatever evil portents are deceived, and attack the scapegoat instead.

Freemasons are all-too familiar with the drill. The "lost shoe" ritual that was performed on stage last Saturday, the 20-something scapegoat, Donald Trump announcing to the world that he is a "changed man" --- literally; this is all Freemason initiation rites and we can rest assured that DJT has succumbed and is now a member of the Brotherhood, which has been traipsing around the world for 8,000-plus years, deceiving everyone.

Thus, DJT comes under the protection of the Freemasons and collects their votes as well. A young man formerly employed by BlackRock climbs onto a building owned by BlackRock and doesn't quite manage to kill Trump; his "sacrifice" is honored by upbraiding and firing the Secret Service Agent who did his job and took the shot.

We can safely assume that Agent Willis wasn't in on the joke and the secret handshakes. He was crouched there, watching innocent people being shot to death in front of his face while his superiors dithered, and he finally did the right thing.

Agent Willis did his actual job.

What a concept.

Agent Willis is now suffering for saving lives at the Trump Rally last Saturday. He has lost his job and rating, with prejudice, for insubordination to criminally negligent and corrupt superiors--- people who weren't doing their jobs.

Now we get to see if Trump is a Liar or not.

If he is not a Liar, Trump will be grateful and laud Willis and see to it that Agent Willis gets a good job on his own personal staff; but, if Trump is a Liar as well as a Freemason, he will be upset that the drama was cut short by a loyal sniper, and do nothing but stalk off-camera.

Keep posted and see what you see.


MAGA Goes Full WWE, Biden Withdraws

Rothschild employee Wilbur Ross structured a "deal" to address Trump's bankruptcy; Trump later repaid the favor by appointing that Wall Street criminal schmuck as Secretary of Commerce. Comments are well worth the time reading through here: 

Here's the Footage that Blows the Trump…

The would be actor selling his brand: Trump.

The US corporate national security state have mastered false flags probably learned from the British:

The False Flag Trump Shooting


Why would the British BBC, a known British intelligence news organization, have a reporter there?

Trump Stages His Head Wound

An alternative interpretation:

Assassination Revelation (of the Method)

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