Thursday, September 5, 2024

Who wants to do a pledge of allegiance to the flag?

Editor's note: The CIA was originated by bankers going back to Allen Dulles at Sullivan & Cromwell. The CIA's mission is to extend the world-wide reach of the US dollar, the US military to back the dollar and US transnational corporations. That's the bottom line. Any interference or interlopers in this predator and prey ecosphere get killed, their countries destroyed and their resources outright stolen. Would you like to do business with America? Over one million Ukrainian soldiers have now died for the US empire. The Russians are annihilating Ukrainian soldiers and it is being documented daily. When there are no more cannon fodder Ukrainian soldiers left are Americans going to meet Russians in eastern Ukraine?

"How I got fired from the CIA": Career Ops Officer tells all

CovertAction Bulletin: CIA Whistleblower John Stockwell Spills the Beans

Who Wants to Kill and Die for the American Empire?

By Nicolas J. S. Davies | September 05, 2024

The Associated Press reports that many of the recruits drafted under Ukraine's new conscription law lack the motivation and military indoctrination required to actually aim their weapons and fire at Russian soldiers.

"Some people don't want to shoot. They see the enemy in the firing position in trenches but don't open fire. … That is why our men are dying," said a frustrated battalion commander in Ukraine’s 47th Brigade. "When they don't use the weapon, they are ineffective."

This is familiar territory to anyone who has studied the work of U.S. Brigadier General Samuel "Slam" Marshall, a First World War veteran and the chief combat historian of the U.S. Army in the Second World War. Marshall conducted hundreds of post-combat small group sessions with U.S. troops in the Pacific and Europe, and documented his findings in his book, Men Against Fire: the Problem of Battle Command.

One of Slam Marshall's most startling and controversial findings was that only about 15% of U.S. troops in combat actually fired their weapons at the enemy. In no case did that ever rise above 25%, even when failing to fire placed the soldiers’ own lives in greater danger.

Marshall concluded that most human beings have a natural aversion to killing other human beings, often reinforced by our upbringing and religious beliefs, and that turning civilians into effective combat soldiers therefore requires training and indoctrination expressly designed to override our natural respect for fellow human life. This dichotomy between human nature and killing in war is now understood to lie at the root of much of the PTSD suffered by combat veterans.

Marshall's conclusions were incorporated into U.S. military training, with the introduction of firing range targets that looked like enemy soldiers and deliberate indoctrination to dehumanize the enemy in soldiers’ minds. When he conducted similar research in the Korean War, Marshall found that changes in infantry training based on his work in World War II had already led to higher firing ratios.

That trend continued in Vietnam and more recent U.S. wars. Part of the shocking brutality of the U.S. hostile military occupation of Iraq stemmed directly from the dehumanizing indoctrination of the U.S. occupation forces, which included falsely linking Iraq to the September 11th terrorist crimes in the U.S. and labeling Iraqis who resisted the U.S. invasion and occupation of their country as "terrorists."

A Zogby poll of U.S. forces in Iraq in February 2006 found that 85% of U.S. troops believed their mission was to "retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9/11 attacks," and 77% believed that the primary reason for the war was to "stop Saddam from protecting Al Qaeda in Iraq." This was all pure fiction, cut from whole cloth by propagandists in Washington, and yet, three years into the U.S. occupation, the Pentagon was still misleading U.S. troops to falsely link Iraq with 9/11.

The impact of this dehumanization was also borne out by court martial testimony in the rare cases when U.S. troops were prosecuted for killing Iraqi civilians. In a court martial at Camp Pendleton in California in July 2007, a corporal testifying for the defense told the court he did not see the cold-blooded killing of an innocent civilian as a summary execution. "I see it as killing the enemy," he told the court, adding, "Marines consider all Iraqi men part of the insurgency."

U.S. combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan (6,257 killed) were only a fraction of the U.S. combat death toll in Vietnam (47,434) or Korea (33,686), and an even smaller fraction of the nearly 300,000 Americans killed in the Second World War. In every case, other countries suffered much heavier death tolls.

And yet, U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan provoked waves of political blowback in the U.S., leading to military recruitment problems that persist today. The U.S. government responded by shifting away from wars involving large deployments of U.S. ground troops to a greater reliance on proxy wars and aerial bombardment.

After the end of the Cold War, the U.S. military-industrial complex and political class thought they had "kicked the Vietnam syndrome," and that, freed from the danger of provoking World War III with the Soviet Union, they could now use military force without restraint to consolidate and expand U.S. global power. These ambitions crossed party lines, from Republican "neoconservatives" to Democratic hawks like Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

Please go to Global Research to continue reading.

The empire does not want competing news sources talking about or reporting on its global activities like in Ukraine:

Enduring military alliances dating back centuries but only today there are modern highly destructive weapons backing "most favored nation" status. If your country isn't a "favored nation", well, start building concrete bunkers because democracy is coming:

The US is not going to stop in this proxy war of attrition against Russia. The US is going to go for as long as it takes until every last male in Ukraine is dead and there is nothing left of Ukraine:

The US military is loading the Pacific region with military alliances, logistic facilities and weapons for the coming planned war against China using proxies in the region like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea:

US To Set Up Military Repair Hubs in 5 Asia Pacific Nations

These are US determined "red lines" and not Russia's. Russia does not advertise planned missile strikes. Russia doesn't have "red lines":

The US and its empire partners have collaborators and spies every where:

The US empire's task masters located in the pirate City of London up for "war crimes?" What a joke. The Anglo-American love affair continues their pillaging and wars. That must be what is referred to as "strategic alliances."

Will UK Ministers Now Be Held Liable For War Crimes?

Despite all the material presented above we bring you Splintering Babylon:

The reports were Nazis slaughtered children like cattle for organ trafficking adrenochrome harvesting:

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