Friday, September 27, 2024

The truth is so ugly it is grotesquely obscene...

Editor's note: get ready for some shock therapy. Be sure to check your incomprehensible monotheistic eschatology at the door on this one. The circumstances with these monotheistic religions are so f#cked up today that no one is going to get through this coming destruction unscathed. Israel's (Judaism) task right now is to intentionally set the Middle East on fire and that is not an exaggeration. It is likely the Iranian (Islam) leadership at some level (the now deceased Khomeini was a British MI6 asset) are in on the monotheistic arrangements explaining why Iran was implicated in Trump's assassination attempt with Trump's subsequent remarks about Iran. The Israelis just dropped a bunker buster bomb on a building right in the middle of Beirut. The foreskinners slice the skin off the penis because it is sexual slavery. There is no other explanation including for "hygienic reasons." As was pointed out earlier, Abraham was a human trafficker with the early texts in Hebrew lifted from ancient Greek texts. This history was stolen and then fabricated by incorrect interpretations and the meaning of words altered. The bible's real "mystery" being a history of drugs and human trafficking including pedophilia. The female has been stripped out of these psychotic monotheistic religions and now the Hebrew "God" will take them to war. As far as the 3rd century creation of Moses the drug fiend is concerned he was the "king of human trafficking." Look what is going on here in Israel. The ancient polytheist civilization creating cultures have been devoured by these monotheistic parasites.  What's the problem here? Ancient Greek had more knowledge and technical information conveyed than Hebrew. Hebrew translations completely changed the meaning of biblical writings so we have an entirely unknown unauthentic biblical history. Now look at us. Confronted with a war because of monotheistic falsity on a massive scale. Hebrew is a language that is being used to bring an end to the world. Now think about this: The language creates the state.

Lest We Forget–'In the coming war between the Christian West and Islamic East, the Jewish nation will emerge unscathed as the preeminent power in the world'

By tuteditor | September 27, 2024

ed note–again, and we cannot stress this enough, no one–and especially those 7 billion Gentiles living on God’s green earth with a deeply vested interest in their own future survival–should underestimate/under-evaluate the deadly-serious nature of the words contained in this OpEd below as being merely the mad scribblings of some lone-nutter in the midst of one of his psychotic episodes.
It is the rabbis who have–from the very beginning of the entire Judaic affair–steered all discussion and action viz what the 'children of Israel' under the spell of rabbinic Judah-ism are tasked with doing, whether they are 'right', 'left', 'middle', agnostic, atheist, etc, etc, etc.

If they identify as ‘Jewish’, what this means is that they are engaged in ceaseless war against Gentile society at all levels, irrespective of whether or not their 'Judah-ism' comes from Moses or from Marx.

Now, having said that, please consider below just a few examples of the kind of Judaic 'prophecies' driving the thought processes of our deranged rabbi in getting a better glimpse of what kind of 'New World Order' it is that Judea has in store for the rest of the world–
'Who is this coming from Edom, in blood-red garments?…Who is this, majestic in attire, pressing forward in His great might? Why is your clothing so red, why are your garments like his who treads grapes?

It is I, he who makes war victoriously, powerful and triumphant…I trod out a vintage alone, for from the peoples no man was with Me…I trod them down in my anger, trampled them in my rage…Their life-blood bespattered my garments, and all my clothing was stained, for I had planned a day of vengeance, and at last my year of redemption has arrived…My own arm wrought the triumph, and my own rage was my aid…I trampled peoples in my anger, I made them drunk with my rage, and I hurled their glory to the ground…'–Isaiah, 63
Now, besides all the 'blood-n-guts' language and imagery that permeates the entire soliloquy on the part of our 'victorious' Moshiac–the 'messiah' for which the Jews are awaiting and setting the stage–there is that first part involving 'Edom’.

Edom is believed by the Jews to be the birthplace of the Romans who destroyed Israel and set into motion the 2,000 years of 'anti-Shemitism' and persecution of God’s Chosen people that climaxed with the 'Holocaust'. This 'prophecy' from Isaiah foretelling the destruction of Edom and of today's 'Rome’, meaning Europe and all its offshoots, including America, Canada, South America, etc–is exactly the reason for 'Zionism’ and for resurrecting from its 2,000-year-old grave the state of 'Israel' and for the aggregation of Jewish money, power and influence, and particularly over the course of the last century.

Put in simple terms–
Isaiah, quoted above, goes further in his description–
'The Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light and to the brightness of your ascension…

You shall drink their milk and draw milk from the breasts of their kings…

Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and vinedressers…

As you devour the riches of the Gentiles they shall boast of your greatness and surrender unto you all their gold and incense, and the children of those who persecuted you shall come bowing down to you, while all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…

The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night, so that the wealth of the Gentiles may be placed at your feet while their kings are led in humble procession before you…

For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…'–Book of Isaiah
Rabbi Nachman Kahana for Israel National News
'I will remember My covenant with Ya'akov, with Yitzchak and with Avraham, and I will remember the land.'
Three questions:

1- In the above passage, the order of the patriarchs is chronologically reversed. The verse begins with Ya'akov, the third generation, continues with Yitzchak, the 2nd generation, and concludes with Avraham, the first generation and ends with G-d saying 'I will remember the land’.

2- The subject of the verse is the patriarchs, so why is the Land of Israel mentioned? And why is its mention a secondary ‘by the way’ attachment?

3- This verse provides encouragement and hope, but why then does it appear in the terrible chapter of warnings of punishments found in the book of Leviticus for the Jews disobeying Moses’ commandments?

I submit:

1- The straightforward meaning of the 'covenant' [Hebrew 'brit'] in the verse is a reference to brit milah, circumcision, as a sign of the eternal covenant between Hashem and Israel.

Ya'akov was born circumcised (Bereishiet Rabbah 84, et. al.), which is a rare, even miraculous, phenomenon such that Ya'akov deserves to appear first in the verse.

Yitzchak was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth, as the Torah commands us, without any miracle; his place in the verse is after Ya'akov.

At the other extreme, Avraham’s circumcision was not miraculous, neither did it occur on the eighth day. Avraham was 99 years old, and his circumcision involved difficult and painful surgery, so much so that HaShem Himself saw fit to fulfill the mitzvah of visiting the sick on the third day after the circumcision. It was thus appropriate for Avraham to appear last in the verse.

2- Our nation's entrance into the land parallels the three types of 'brit' alluded to in the beginning of the above verse.

We, as a people, entered the Land of Israel three times. The first was with Joshua, the second with Zerubabel, Ezra the Scribe and Nechemiah to rebuild the second Temple, and the third is occurring now in our own time, following 2000 years of exile and the Shoah.

Entering the Land in Joshua’s day was accompanied by open miracles, such as Hashem's stopping the flow of the Jordan River, the victories over Jericho and the rest of the Canaanite population, paralleling the miracle brit of Ya'akov.

Zerubavel, Ezra and Nechemiah and their generation received permission from Cyrus and Darius, kings of Persia, to return to the Land of Israel and rebuild the holy Temple destroyed by the Babylonians, without open miracles, like the brit of Yitzchak.

The third entrance into the land began 150 years ago when the Jewish people had their fill of suffering after 2000 years of the Roman exile. There were neither miracles nor permits – only blood, sweat and the Holocaust, paralleling the brit of Avraham, who was elderly, sick and in pain.

Summed up–Our return to the Land three times parallels the circumcisions of the patriarchs: one miraculous, a second conventional, and a third involving great personal sacrifice, which is the reality of our generation. Now if this is the fate of our generation, as proven by the flow of contemporary history, let us conjecture what awaits our nation and the world.

Please go to The Ugly Truth to continue learning more about this coming destruction.

Ostensibly Christians sent to the Middle east to defend Israel against the Islamic hordes:

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