Thursday, September 26, 2024

Reanimate the ancient Roman Goddess Juno to protect children

Editor's note: President Joe Biden likes little girls. We're told Joe Biden was born into a Catholic family of Irish descent. When he was a US senator in 1990 Biden introduced the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). As president, Biden also signed a bill to protect children from online sexual exploitation. The REPORT Act. Biden also sponsored several other bills during his political career to "protect mothers and children." Come to big daddy. Come to papa. The monotheistic religions including Catholicism removed the female from their hierarchies. Catholics will say, "but there is the Immaculate Mary." Mary was a temple prostitute brought into the temple at age three to age twelve. This is what the monotheistic religions have caused. Of all places there in Rome, Italy. Rome made a choice: Daddy (the male monotheist God). Rome stripped away the ancient competitor Roman Goddess Juno, protector of women and children. Look at the monotheistic religion of Islam in its extreme form: Covered women's faces and bodies and acid in the face. Rome at the Vatican is not the "repository of western civilization." What an abomination.

Giorgia Meloni Calls for Global Action Against Child Slavery and Human Trafficking at UN Assembly

The rabbinical Jewish power structure is based on a falsified history. They used their gutter language Hebrew to interpret ancient Greek history falsifying and making up words to fit their own Judaic biblical narratives to achieve supremacy over the centuries. The bible is about drugs and pedophilia. They finally were able to pull it off when America was created that allowed the state of Israel to come into existence.

The Jewish rabbis weren't doctors yet they came up with their thousands of writings, or laws on human sexuality in their Sanhedrin texts. Wait a minute, what the hell is going on here? The Romans said wait a minute too and wiped them out. These are male rabbis making all these sexual laws. They weren't physicians. They approved having sex with three-year-old female infants telling the idiot religious peasants the female hymen would grow back or repair itself. That's right, Abraham the human trafficker and pirate.

When is it Halakhic? When is it acceptable? It's pedophile trafficking. There is no protective mother with these degenerates. The Judaic took Gods and Goddesses from Rome down to a singularity. Are you going to pick mommy or daddy? Monotheism gravitates towards daddy. And it has led to depravity and carnage, sex trafficking and pedophilia across all spectrums of society. Is it any wonder the Romans stomped the Jews. The Temple was a human trafficking operation.

Bring back the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome to reanimate the mythology then use that mythology to remove Judaic thinking from the western stream of thought.

Drop Rome:

Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

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