Monday, September 2, 2024

Three Branches of the US Government: Corporations, Pederasty and the Media

Editor's note: Why is that? Why has pederasty been so deeply embedded inside the US and its institutions? From a scientific point of view can a reasonable explanation be provided? Pederasty has been with cultures since the time of the Greeks. The Greek language in highly accurate translations describe pedophilia in ways that would shock most people especially Christians. Maybe Christianity and Christians missed the boat entirely on interpreting pedophilia? Christians would suggest that Christianity tried to end pedophilia but the historical record with accurate translations of Greek does not bare that idea out. History which really means "inquiry" often turns out to be ugly, nasty and to most people today shocking in its brutality that most go into cognitive dissonance when confronted with different sources of knowledge for the first time. Are most people honest with themselves in this culture of deceit, extreme narcissism and arrogance? No. Would you like to be introduced to the real Jesus? WARNING: DO NOT go here unless you are mentally prepared and honest with yourself: Sacred Sodomy: Church Cover-Up Exposed. Hail Satan.
US Is #1 Consumer of Child Porn Videos, #1 Demand for Child Sex in the World

Pedophilia is the Power Behind the Deep State

"If you've ever wondered why there are so many traitors on both sides of the political aisle, now you know. The blackmailers have nearly everyone in public office in this country by the balls."

September 1, 2024 | by Mike Stone

What does pedophilia have to do with the current state of the world?

The answer is everything. Pedophilia, child rape, and child sacrifice are the glue that holds the entire Deep State together. Virtually everyone on the Democratic side of the scale is involved, along with a large portion of people on the Republican side. (Check out the allegations against the Bush family and especially against Mike Pence during his time as the Governor of Indiana. You'll be shocked to the core.)

What do you think the Jeffrey Epstein story was all about? It was an Israeli Mossad blackmail operation put together and carried by many of the same people behind the attacks of 9/11.

If you've ever wondered why there are so many traitors on both sides of the political aisle, now you know. The blackmailers have nearly everyone in public office in this country by the balls.

That's not only true in the world of politics, it's also true in big business. Study the Epstein flight logs. How many corporate big shots do you see? How many Hollywood names? If you really want to get to the bottom of it, do some research on Pizzagate. You say Pizzagate was debunked. Not hardly. It was covered up, but never debunked.

Liz Crokin, a Trump confidant, knows the score. She did an expose on Pizzagate, and afterwards ABC News, along with the entirety of the Fake News media, attempted to "debunk" her information. Guess what happened? The reporter for ABC who called it all a "conspiracy theory" failed to discredit a single one of Crokin's allegations, and it turns out that he is a pedophile himself, one who recently pled guilty to child rape. It's the old fox guarding the hen house.

You could say the same thing about the prosecution of the fake Pizzagate "shooter." Guess who the judge was for that case? Kentaji Brown Jackson.

It's not just here either. Pedophilia, child rape, and child sacrifice are taking place all over the globe. The Ukraine was a major hotspot for child trafficking and that's one of the reasons why Russia went in militarily. Look at what's happening in Britain. Judges are letting known pedophiles and child rapists off with a warning, while sentencing patriotic citizens to lengthy prison terms. Why do you think that is?


You say this is all very interesting. You say that you find child rape, child molestation, and child murder revolting and the bastards doing it should all be locked up. However, there's nothing you can personally do about it.

Actually, there's a lot you can do about it. For starters, you can never vote Democrat again, under any circumstances. To vote Democrat is to knowingly vote for child molesters. That's the reality. And you need to make damn sure you vet anyone running on the Republican side. Many of them are just as guilty. (Note: There is no evidence that Donald Trump or J.D. Vance have engaged in these activities.)

Equally important, you can stop consuming pornography and stop engaging in the mortal sin of masturbation. The people producing and pushing pornography are the same ones behind the rape, molestation and murder of children. And it's not just the porn pushers. It's the entire entertainment industry - music, movies, and television. They're all complicit and if you engage with them on any level, you become complicit yourself.

The truth of the matter is that these people are sick and they are headed straight to the bowels of hell. They hate God. They hate Jesus Christ. They hate humanity. And they lie about everything. You must hold no communion with them whatsoever if you hope to go to Heaven yourself.

Of course, you can take the coward's way out and deny reality. But doing so won't change anything. Reality will remain reality. The only result that comes from denying reality is that it moves you further away from the truth. Now that you know the facts, what are you going to do?

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man.

Government by media:

America's State-Run media is in control of Election 2024 on Viewpoint This Sunday

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