Monday, September 16, 2024

Local fat aging pigs, bitches as politicians and whoring for money is the American way...

Editor's notes: don't blame the Haitian migrants. What a hell of a way to run a democracy. Politicians are somebody's bitch whoring for money and they proved it again in Springfield, Ohio with all the reports, some not so good, about the 20,000 Haitian migrants who where dropped into the city of 60,000 Ohioans. Why Springfield, Ohio? When all is said and done the financial and economic forensics always without fault lead straight back to who got paid and how much to do what. Another demonstration of Americans selling out their fellow countrymen for money. Aren't you glad you are an American? When you are invited to or are visiting Springfield, Ohio to chow down on local Haitian cuisine, understand how the Haitians arrived in Ohio in the first place. Maybe the mayor of Springfield, Ohio Rob Rue, can do some forensics on the dead cats and dogs in Springfield considering he has a degree in mortuary science? Any funerals for the remains of pet dogs and cats being given in Springfield? No shit, Rue is a Republican.

The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

Let's take a look at such an impressive abuse of power and bag chasing:

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Rob Rue owns Littleton & Rue INC. Littleton & Rue INC owns Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC which owns many rental properties in Springfield, Ohio.

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He rents out his properties to Haitians migrants that now make up a third of Springfield using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the United States Federal Government.

He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the gibs go straight to his bank account Rob Rue then takes the properties which he purchased for hundreds of thousands of dollars and then has them appraised for significantly lower than he purchased them for to avoid having to pay property taxes Rob Rue also petitioned the federal government for more federal aid due to a "housing crisis" what he didn't say was that he was going to benefit to the tune of millions of dollars in the process

What a weird thing to petition the federal government when you have rental properties in the same place you're asking for help.

But no one man is an island. Consider Marvena Twigg, a fat aging pig who just like Robert Rue has directly profited from creating a housing crisis in Ohio communities.

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Marvena Twigg is President and CEO of the NYAP which is directly responsible for the importation of tens if not hundreds of thousands of Haitians into places like Ohio.

The organization has received nearly $300 million of YOUR taxes and MINE.

Marvena makes $1.2 million a year at her work which is focused on destroying communities and laughing all the way to the bank

NYAP removed their employee list on their website because they don't want anyone asking questions or connecting dots.


Marvena Twigg just like Robert Rue has directly profited from creating a housing crisis in Ohio communities.

Let's take a closer look, here's an example:

Top 25 Residential Real Estate Transactions in Central Ohio for October

Browse the most expensive home sales for the month, including a nearly $3 million home on the Scioto River

Oh okay, let's keep going.

15. $1,200,000; 1 Miranova 825 Place, Columbus; Marvena Twigg from Malinda L. Susalla and Laurian M. Dean

That fucking pig.

A handful of people are making a lot of money while everyone else in the community suffers

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I'd like to remind anyone reading that there is plenty of room for digging. Pick up a shovel and see what can be found.

I do know Catholic Charities just built a new facility in Springfield, and they're not the only group there. Some NGOs working with them, too.

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Haitians were given legal status by the Federal Government under Joe Biden, the worst president in U.S. history. Thanks @POTUS

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@POTUS "Temporary Protected Status" means the United States Federal Government rolls out the red carpet for Haitians

If someone at the local level - like THE MAYOR OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO - wasn't Saturday morning cartoon levels of evil, this wouldn't be happening

Keep an eye out for what is happening in Springfield, Ohio to happen in other communities with migrants from other "qualified countries"

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