Friday, September 27, 2024

Debt levels and war are synonymous (infinite amounts of money for war)

Editor's note: The UK's debt level has risen to a 60 year high so that means the British will have to be taken to war. What other conclusion is there when central banks are involved? British peers, Lords in the UK Parliament, are now suggesting civilians will have to fight. That's right, British citizens will be expected to pick up a gun to go fight Russians we guess. More delusional thinking out of the UK now becoming rape central. Think about this for a second: British citizens to go fight the Russians for the Bank of England, the pirate City of London, BlackRock and the Vatican. What a novel concept. That goes as well for the US as circumstances look to be gong totally chaotic. American youth volunteering for the US Army then shipped off to Cyprus to go kill Islamic fighters for these same financial entities and then toss in Israel (see US Gives Israel $8.7 Billion in Military Aid for Operations in Gaza and Lebanon). The central bank warfare model. Who or what is going to defend humanity against this ongoing hideous assault? Bankers get rich; you get killed.

Civilians must be ready to fight because Britain's military is so small, warn peers

UK debt level jumps to 60-year high – data

Government borrowing has reached 100% of the country's GDP, according to the Office for National Statistics

September 20, 2024 | RT

The UK's national debt stands at 100% of the country's annual economic output and is at its highest level since the 1960s, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed on Friday.

Government borrowing surged to £13.7 billion ($18.2 billion) in August, equaling to the annual value of total economic production, according to the ONS.

"Borrowing was up by over £3 billion last month on 2023's figure, and was the third highest August borrowing on record," ONS chief economist Grant Fitzner said.

The data reflects the alarming state of public finances left by the Conservatives, according to Treasury Chief Secretary Darren Jones. He warned that the Labor Party would have to make "tough decisions" to rebuild the economy.

"When we came into office, we inherited an economy that wasn’t working for working people. Today’s data shows the highest August borrowing on record, outside the pandemic. Debt is 100% of GDP, the highest level since the 1960s," he said.

Government debt ballooned during the global financial crisis in 2008 and then again during the Covid-19 pandemic. Weak economic growth since then has also contributed to the increase in the deficit.

READ MORE: German central bank issues warning on economy

The UK's fiscal position remains "challenging" and could "deteriorate further over the remainder of the year," according to Matt Swannell, the chief economic adviser to the EY Item Club.

“The government will likely have to increase spending over the next few months, due to a combination of accepting the recommendations for higher pay increases from public sector pay boards and non-labor cost overruns across a range of government departments,” he said.

Please go to RT to continue reading.

Here's the British army training to fight Russia and China and whoever else:

Here is what the future US president wants to do:

This is how the US and the UK prosecute war. Attack their allies in Europe with acts of industrial terrorism causing Germany's industries to go flatline (see below):

And for the Israelis? Just kill everything. If they can't be killed then remove them:

Germany is finished. It's over. About the only thing Germany has going for it at this point are brothels staffed with Ukrainian prostitutes:

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