Monday, September 23, 2024

Abraham the trafficker

Editor's note: Who wants to participate in the apocalypse? Who wants to be "born again?" Abraham the pedophile (παιδόφιλος) was a child trafficker (διακινητής) and the Temple on the Mount was a child trafficking operation. In a previous post it has been asserted the worst falsification of history that forever sealed our (basically Christians) understanding of history was the Masoretic Texts written during the 9th and 10th centuries by the rabbinical scholars as the 24 books of the Hebrew bible. Hebrew is a Mediterranean gutter language. All of this rabbinical Hebrew biblical scribblings were heisted from ancient Greek then the meanings of words altered (made up words) by religious zealots to fit the jewish narrative. What was Abraham's trafficking (περάω2; to carry beyond seas for the purpose of selling, to export for sale) gang doing in the Mediterranean? Were they trafficking children as predators on the water? Abraham was the head of a gang that traded in children and wasn't connected to any polis (a Greek city-state). Are you practicing Islam, Christianity or Judaism? Your faiths are rooted in a dealer in human souls and sex trafficking. Welcome to the apocalypse. What do the people who founded Judaism worship? They worship Bacchus and they are pirates.

The SAR Academy Jewish Child Molestation Ring

By Karl | September 24, 2024

According to JTA reports over the last few years the details of the New York-based SAR Academy – which was – and is - an Orthodox jewish school has been embroiled in multiple lawsuits over land standing allegations that the school not only had one child molester on its staff during the 1970s and 1980s, but rather had two who seem to have been cooperating with other while sexually abusing and/or sodomizing boys in their care for decades. (1)

Not only that but it would appear that the school had some idea this was going on (later rehiring one despite being aware of the allegations made against him) and hushed it resulting in at least one of those responsible doing something similar in two other jewish schools (who also hushed it up) and then at a synagogue.

The victim count of just one these two child molesters is known to be in the hundreds. (2) and between them it wouldn't shock me if the real victim count was not somewhere near or above one thousand children.

A JTA article from 2018 does a good job of summarizing the situation when it relates how:
'Officials at a New York Jewish day school knew of allegations against an administrator who abused at least a dozen of the school's students, according to an investigation. He was rehired a decade later.

The report, which was published Friday, found that Stanley Rosenfeld sexually abused at least a dozen students at SAR Academy, a Modern Orthodox school in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. Another teacher, Rabbi Sheldon Schwartz, was found to have acted inappropriately with at least four students.

Rosenfeld, a convicted sex offender, has admitted to molesting hundreds of boys throughout his life, including at SAR, according to the report.'

'SAR's announcement of the inquiry in January prompted two other Jewish day schools that had employed Rosenfeld to launch their own investigations: the Ramaz School, an elite Modern Orthodox Jewish day school in Manhattan, and Westchester Day School, in New York City's northern suburbs. Ramaz published its external investigation in August, which found that administrators learned of Rosenfeld's abuse after he had left the school but failed to act on the information.

Rosenfeld, now 84, was convicted of child molestation in 2001 for abusing a boy while employed at a Rhode Island synagogue. The Forward, which has investigated Rosenfeld's abuse in a series of articles, discovered that he is living in a nursing home and is a registered sex offender.

The T&M report found that Rosenfeld would abuse young boys by inviting them to his home for Shabbat, where they would sleep over for one or two nights. At night, he would hover over their beds and fondle their genitals or other parts of their bodies. Some former students said Rosenfeld would stop the abuse after boys made it clear that it made them uncomfortable. Others reported laying motionless until the ordeal ended. Former students said the abuse caused them emotional suffering.'(3)

'Schwartz, according to the report, also would act as an enabler for Rosenfeld's abuse, urging students to stay with Rosenfeld for Shabbat while frequently staying there himself as well. Two former students said they separately told Schwartz that Rosenfeld had abused them — one following a Shabbat and the other immediately after the abuse occurred.' (4)
Thus, we can see that Stanley Rosenfeld and Rabbi Sheldon Schwartz – the two jewish child molesters named although there may have been others as yet undetected or that we'll never know about – operated in a symbiotic relationship with Rabbi Schwartz pushing boys to stay with Rosenfeld during Shabbat who then promptly sodomizes them and returns them to the SAR Academy.

Plus, we know from these articles that the jewish governors and staff of the SAR Academy as well as the Ramaz School actively covered up the homosexual rape of boys in their care, but Rosenfeld and that SAR Academy appears to have done the same with Rabbi Schwartz as well. In addition to the fact that Rosenfeld may well have also raped even more boys at the Westchester Day School.

This is yet more evidence – if any more were needed – to the scale of the child molestation problems inside jewry which they actively cover up from the prying non-jewish eyes of the law.

This is why you cannot trust children around jews.

You have no idea what the jew really intends to do with – or to - them.

Abraham the child trafficker and pirate was wealthy. He was infinitely wealthy. He was opulently wealthy beyond all excesses owning cattle, silver and gold. You can't bank in silver and gold so Abraham traded in humans using silver and gold. Abraham wasn't part of any Greek polis. Abraham wasn't no Shepard with sheep out tending to his god damn flock. He was a pirate trafficking in humans. Then we come to modern Abrahamic-like extremely wealthy traders in human souls the two men most responsible for the direction of this rap music industry involving the rapper Diddy (Sean Love Combs ) Lucian Grainge and Clive Davis (both removed from the lawsuit by power brokers). Both Grainge and Davis are jewish pirates. The entire atrocity that is this Diddy scandal is human trafficking, pedophilia and drug trafficking who are worshipping Bacchus in the darkness of the shadows based on opulent wealth. We are in the apocalypse.

When it comes to these monotheistic religious freak shows in this predator and prey ecosphere it's the blind leading the blind:

Americans are confused as the three monotheistic religions are controlled by the weapon of anti-semitism

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