Friday, September 13, 2024

Have you ever tried to "program" cash?

Editor's note: The central banks are imploding the financial and monetary system crashing banks and consolidating them in order to transition into Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs are a "revolution in banking" but who initiates the revolution and who ultimately benefits? CBDCs are being "erroneously presented as something brand new." The reality is people have been using bank digital currencies (BDC) for decades so there is nothing new here and BDCs have been working quite well. The ONLY difference now is that CBDCs have the "CENTRAL" stamp on them. Is there a need for CBDCs? No, there isn't. Because there are no real problems with settlements and transactions with the current use of BDCs. The "Great Reset" with its 4IR attached working with central banks are about digital centralization of all financial transactions. CBDCs are about destroying the competition including cash. The real undeniable danger of CBDCs is that they are "programmable." Use your imagination on what that would mean. Have you ever tried to "program" cash?

Nine-Point Plan for Stopping the Great Reset

1. Refuse CBDC (Central Bank Digital currency). This requires using alternate, parallel currency.

Central Bank Digital Currency

2. Refuse digital identity. "Inclusion" means totalitarianism.

Digital ID And You

3. Reject Internet of Bodies (IoB) technologies, the installation of devices in your body, the Metaverse, and transhumanist technologies.

4. Practice the free market.

a. Reduce/eliminate dependence on the state.

b. Disengage, as much as possible, from establishment institutions, including most educational institutions.

c. Become or remain as entrepreneurial as possible.

d. Buy locally, from farmers' markets, etc.

e. Establish parallel economies, currencies, and social networks.

f. Consider joining independent communities, such as freedom cells.

g. Move assets off-shore. (See Expat Money Summit, below).

Expat Money Summit

5. Divest from ESG stocks and electronically traded funds (ETFs) that include ESG-indexed stocks.

6. Remove money from ESG-reporting banks and avoid buying insurance from ESG-reporting insurance companies.

7. Put extreme pressure on government representatives to do the following:

a. protect national sovereignty and individual rights;

b. divest and disassociate from the World Economic Forum and all its tentacles;

c. withdraw from the UN and the World Health Organization;

d. withdraw state and other pensions from ESG-indexed stocks, withdrawing from ESG-investing asset managers such as BlackRock, Inc., State Street, and the Vanguard Group, among many others;

e. bring antitrust legislation against ESG investing.

8. Encourage the defection of elites from the globalist agenda.

a. Identify elites who might oppose the agenda for moral, ethical, or economic reasons and appeal to them by writing emails, letters, and by putting this nine-point plan (included in my book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty) into their hands.

9. Network with like-minded individuals and spread this plan digitally and analogically.

Let's see how long this lasts.

September 13, 2024 | By Jim Stone

As far as I see it, all is lost.

We cannot escape the vortex of evil at this point. One of the reasons why I even ran any of the web sites to begin with was to delay "progress" (that's what "they" call it,) and buy people more time to repent or change their ways or ripen into a perfect hell demon - whatever direction they chose, and now I believe it is showtime. Is it even worth posting anything anymore now that it is so obvious we can't stop anything?

We're going cashless, which will mean pigeon soup for anyone who has any Bible brains

Mexico has a literal 100 percent cash economy. That's probably why the pocket credit card readers I mention below are so cheap and available, you can get them at gas stations and convenience stores now, the pressure is on to go cashless but despite my rather dismal report about those devices, Mexico is still damn near all cash, those devices are still, in reality, for the "snobs" who have VISA. Yes, you can transact right on the street with them but they are not yet mainstream.

The big threat I see with these readers is that they are available EVERYWHERE. Sams. Office Depot. Gas stations. OXXO (Mexico's 7-11) and more. There's a gajillion of these available and in inventory, waiting for . . . . . what?? The next corona scare? They tried to ban cash with the last Corona scare but that played about as well as a record that was lost on the interstate, not one piece of that tune actually got played. Not one piece, because Obrador kept things normal. But Scheinbaum??? Guaranteed different outcome. I can't wait.

Bank on it, something big is going to happen that will ram cashless down everyone's throat, pronto.

And those credit card readers simply bluetooth with the cell phone and put everything on the phone screen, and the phone does it all. So why would you even need a reader? All you really need is a bluetooth compatible credit card protected by a strong PIN. All you really need is an ultraviolet readable tattoo barcode on your forehead that's not visible under normal light but the phones could be equipped with a special light that reads your barcode with the camera and only needs your pin approval to work, misbehave and OOOOOPS, someone must have scanned you and guessed your PIN, too bad hungry Joe!

Only guesses, but the credit card readers are here, and priced well enough for every country on earth, even the poor sections of Zimbabwe. And even people that poor have cell phones. The card readers are cheaper than phones.

I am not even going to guess at what disaster they'll try for cashless. But it will be awful, bank on it.

Related technology being implemented:

More on CBDCs:

Archived useful information on CBDCs:

The planned digital incursion into all aspects of our activity:

Towards an "Oppressive Digital New World Order". UN "World for the Future" Conference. 22-23 September 2024. Borderless "Enslavement Package", Digital Control over 8 Billion People

Central banks want CBDCs | Professor Richard Werner on CBDCs - BIG PICTURE:

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