Friday, September 20, 2024

The ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses of debauchery are still with us

Editor's note: Human trafficking in Springfield, Ohio? It couldn't be happening in America could it? A continuance of the invasion through the US southern border turning some locations in America into what the inside of a Venezuelan prison must be like. Maybe that meaningless statue of liberty object decorating New York Harbor should be relocated to the border with Mexico in Texas? The famous words: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." inscribed on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty were penned by the Jewish poet Emma Lazarus. The words should be changed to "give us your pedophiles, human traffickers and violent criminals." One ERO (Enforcement and Removal Operations) immigration office in Baltimore is proud of their "amazing" work: They arrested 153 illegal alien sex offenders in a single year. That's just one office. Now multiply that by 24 main ERO offices around the country. The Medea sex and drug cults are still with us all the way from ancient Greece described accurately in ancient Greek texts. Not a damn thing has changed in human behavior with a completely forged history to cover all this up.

Mike DeWine's History Raises Concerns About Potential Conflict Of Interest With Haitian Migrants

Springfield Ohio Is Just the Beginning

"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journalist Uncovers the Hub of a Human Trafficking Network in Springfield

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | September 18, 2024

(ZeroHedge)—Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani has published a shocking report that could soon change the national discussion from Haitians and other migrants eating cats or dogs in Springfield, Ohio, to one that is more sinister: The hub of a complex "hidden human trafficking network" in the tiny rust belt town.

"The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It's about mules. It's a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized," Nomani wrote in the Jewish Journal.

She said, "Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.," adding, "It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years."

Nomani revealed FBI anti-trafficking agents and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost are now investigating allegations of human trafficking in Springfield.
What began as my efforts to track down a rumor about animal cruelty has turned into an investigation that reveals a malignant system of labor exploitation involving a local businessman, George Ten, whom Haitians and local residents call "King George," the chief executive at First Diversity Staffing Group Inc., a Springfield company that has been the tip of the spear in the alleged trafficking operation of Haitians to the town.

This is a story of unchecked greed and cruelty, committed not by the immigrants, but to the immigrants, with local residents of Springfield also a casualty.

Nomani provided an image of one of those vans owned by staffing companies that shuttles the migrants to factories.

The ex-WSJ journo said 'George Ten', the alleged mastermind behind this scheme, lives in a mansion in rural Ohio. She continued, "His nickname is "King George" because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts, and fast talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation."

This is stunning, as Nomani noted:
One Haitian man I interviewed asked to be anonymous for fear of retaliation and recalled how he was picked up by a driver for one of Ten's vans on a street corner near a Winn-Dixie grocery store in Immokalee, Florida. After the long journey to Springfield, he was dropped off at a rundown home on Rice Street, infested with cockroaches. He soon found work through First Diversity at Jefferson Industries Corporation, earning $12.50 an hour; he didn't know how much George skimmed off his wages. The home he lived in had no working heat, and he bought an electric heater to survive the cold Ohio winter, the heater barely heating his room.
What essentially began as an unverified claim by Trump about migrants eating pets has led to the disturbing truth of alleged labor trafficking and modern-day slavery in Springfield. The Haitians, here legally, are being exploited by mega corporations…

Please go to The Liberty Daily to continue reading.

With pedophile and sex cult networks there is always more:

Every imaginable kind of degenerate human being including potential terrorists, pedophiles, human traffickers, drug traffickers, ex-prisoners, gang member and  sex traffickers coming into America:

The addiction to sex, control and power has been with this species since time immemorial and it isn't going to end:

Warning: This is not pleasant reading: "Satanic" is a Christian interpretation of what is going on here with these ritual sexual abuse and pedophile networks. These sex cults go way back into history even before Christianity appeared. Despite Christianity, these pedophile networks, human sex trafficking, torturing children and just about every other horror one can think about have continued throughout the centuries up until this very day. This is going to deeply offend Christians and make them extremely upset, but here is an interesting question we arrived at from learning about ancient accurate interpretations of Greek used in the very first biblical writings. What was Jesus doing in the public park the Garden of Gethsemane with a naked little boy that "Jesus was arrested for?" What do we get from the accurate scientific interpretation of ancient Greek? "Christing" (Χριστός) is a word that first developed within medicine. Medicine, magic and cults. "Christing" is so central to the cult that it is the mystery. It comes from Medea as the first "Christ." Medea producing the first medicine or drug to "give us salvation." The worst falsification of history that forever sealed our understanding of history was the Masoretic Texts written during the 9th and 10th centuries by the rabbinical scholars as the 24 books of the Hebrew bible. Know your own "Christ" (Χριστός).

Jessie Czebotar: Elon Musk Was a Victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse as a Child

Why are Jews terrified for their circumstances in America? Because they damn well know their fraudulent history becoming common knowledge is about to go critical mass and they won't be able to control the narrative or the outcome. Why is the world caught in what is described as "Satanic Jewish sophism?" Why hasn't anyone including scholars most of all biblical scholars understood what is going on here? The lie of the Hebrew Torah that permanently staked a claim that took the western mind and diverted it to a completely falsified history. There is a massive deficiency in the Hebrew language that made it impossible to properly interpret the ancient Greek. All this forging and faking of history based on Hebrew texts has caused us unparalleled grave and very dangerous problems.

Why is a known MOSSAD agent traveling with Trump and always in his inner circle?!?!

It is not "Satanism." Satanism is a Christian construct in an attempt to describe and cope with the trauma, vile, inexplicable violence, degradation and destruction one human being is capable of perpetrating on another including on children what the human mind can't comprehend. It can't comprehend this because it is cleverly disguised in the bible and in Christianity by religious zealots who diverted history corrupting understanding of our present circumstances. 

The ancient Greeks are often criticized for their sexual debauchery so as you listen to this Redacted discussion on what is happening with the recent arrest of the rapper Diddy (low hanging fruit), bring ancient Greece into focus. Those ancient Greek sex cults used oil lubricants and oils during their sex rituals. From Greek it means to anoint (χρίσμα) with oil. Christian scholars obscured the real meanings of the ancient Greek. They obscured the real meaning of "anointing with oil" by translating the ancient Greek to "of spiritual grace." The Greek cults also used various complex compounds (sex drugs) to induce intense sexual arousal. In the ancient Greek texts when accurately interpreted (classical philology) the use of drugs (medicines) was considered "Christing" (Χριστός).

The Christos (Χρήστος) is the "promise of a drug for salvation." These are all chemical processes being described in the bible that have been deceptively hidden. This was several centuries before the appearance of Jesus Christ (Χριστός). "Christians" were also caught up in this Diddy (Sean Combs) character's private parties at hotels and at his various residences. Christians like T.D. Jakes and Lecrae Moore (Christian rapper) are both connected to this Diddy character. The bible had nothing to do with the Hebrew language because the bible can be traced back to ancient Greek. Why is this being referenced back to Hebrew? Because the two men most responsible for the direction of this rap music industry are Lucian Grainge and Clive Davis (removed from lawsuit by the power brokers). Both Grainge and Davis are Jewish. We are in the apocalypse. Christians today have no cognizance of this ancient history and how it is directly impacting them today with dire consequences. Anti-Christ in Greek is αντίχριστος (1 John 2:18). It's a medical concept telling us drugs are an "antidote." We are seeing the return to the debauchery of ancient Greece and we're using incorrect Christian frames of reference to understand what is going on here.

Poisonous venom from the Goddess of sex Medea:


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