Sunday, September 8, 2024

Knowledge is power

Editor's note: This isn't just some vague historical and romantic sunshine patriot notion that "every generation must water the tree of liberty." That "water" is the literal blood of tyrants. Americans now have a decision to make. Or it will be complete lawlessness. Thomas Jefferson who read and spoke ancient Greek knew what the original meaning of democracy meant and not later distorted interpretations like we have today. Jefferson also was not vague after his studying ancient Greek. Nourishing the tree of liberty means death to tyrants. Jefferson also knew the dangers of the three monotheistic religions that are now stepping forward for violent resolution. That is why Jefferson was well read on the Qu'ran. RFK Jr knows what he is talking about thinking back to how his father, Robert F. Kennedy and his older brother John F. Kennedy, were running a sophisticated intelligence operation through Lee Harvey Oswald to destroy the CIA (their profession is lying, propaganda, duplicity, assassinations and deception). Those 20,000 early Americans who were killed didn't slow down or stop the annexation of America by the British. Are Americans beginning to comprehend why the white race must be exterminated by any means necessary? Once you have access to historical knowledge like how ancient Greek (not modern interpretations) accurately described the vile and disgusting behavior of men and what they are capable of doing your entire perspective, attitude and outlook radically changes. Even to the point of acting on that knowledge. Knowledge is power.

This is embarrassing almost to the extreme to see how utterly delusional and juvenile both the head of the CIA and MI6 have proven themselves to be. Russia as a nation state has no right to national self-interest or to exist as a state?

CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to 'world order'

Russia's Maria Zakharova has a point:

Zakharova likens US to Hollywood ax-wielding maniac

The CIA is a secret empire that rules with impunity:

The CIA: The World's First Secret Empire

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