Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Bring on the apocalypse

Editor's note: This is going to thoroughly piss off a lot of Christian Americans but it is past time we look for better methods to extract ourselves from this carnage. How do we do this? It won't be easy but it will come about by having superior knowledge. When you are armed with superior knowledge it is like a call to action. Here is what is going to piss off a lot of Americans: Christianity facilitates pedophilia. Maybe it is time we completely revamp our thinking and understanding of the significance of the ancient Greek language that proceeded Hebrew? Maybe it is time to reevaluate what democracy really was in ancient Greece? Why is ancient Greek a superior language over all other languages even until today? Is it possible everything we think we know about Christianity and Jesus is all a historically fictitious overlay using the monotheistic religions going back to Abraham who was a child trafficker?  Sounds absolutely preposterous. Was Jesus caught in the Garden of Gethsemane with a little boy? Modern biblical scholars do not know ancient Greek. Ancient Greek described the horrific brutality humans are capable of including pedophilia people today ignore and hide from. In America, pedophlia has replaced democracy as the state religion. What can accurate interpretations of ancient Greek teach us about what is happening today discussed in this news clip?

Hail Satan! Bring on the apocalypse in America...the only way we can understand pedophilia is if we take the blinders off and look at ourselves with honesty and integrity. History is catching up with us and when it does it is not going to be very pleasant.

The sex cults and sex trafficking networks are just as real today as they were in ancient history:

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