Sunday, September 22, 2024

What would Thomas Jefferson think about the NED?

Editor's note: Once again it is time for another color revolution regime change this time for the Islamic leadership of Iran. The CIA's intellectual" who ran the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is of course the Jewish Neocon Carl Gersham. Gersham who retired from the NED has been given credit for the "freedom of millions around the world" - except Palestinians of course. We bet those hundreds of thousands of displaced and dead Iraqis and Syrians enjoyed their freedom as their countries were attacked under the NED's (at one point funded over 1,600 NGOs) banner of democracy. All the warning signals were there when Russia's Vladimir Putin shut down all of the NED's activities in Russia. If there is one country these US Jewish Neocons want to eradicate it is Russia. As the "CIA's sidekick", the NED dropped an estimated $22 million promoting the anti-Russian initiative. 

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