Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Pulling the plug on western industrial economies

Editor's note: Has anyone else noticed despite global warming being a completely fraudulent elitist construct western countries are being shut down? Toss Japan into that same group as a US vassal state as Japan's steel industry has now been undercut by China's steel industry. The west again proves that its "virtue-signaling" leftists plan to "save the planet" despite EV policy making little sense. As far as Germany is concerned forget it. Germany is not industrially recoverable at this point. The "greenies" and leftists in the German state media (government by media) have gone so far as to creating a game that reflects "deniers" as villains. And in Britain rather than the "pursuit of excellence", the British are seeing the excellent pursuit of expensive wind farms. The transnational global corporate elite in the west are intentionally shutting down industrial economies and it has nothing to do with "global warming." Something else is going on here at a far deeper level than most are aware of. This deindustrialization going "net zero" also means getting shoved down our throats insects as a source of protein. And in America? If Americans feel their homeland is being turned into a "wasteland" they are correct.

Start 'Em Young: Government Climate Alarmists Brainwashing Kids to Comply With Green Tyranny

by Ramon Tomey | September 2, 2024

(Natural News)—Climate alarmists in the federal government are now brainwashing children with an "inescapable death spiral" if they do not comply with green tyranny.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on this matter, citing the Climate Kids webpage operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). While the webpage includes educational materials and activities for children, it also parrots talking points from the climate alarmists. These include claims like "the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming," "sea levels are rising" and "global ice coverage is diminishing."

Just like the green tyrants claim, the Climate Kids page claims that fossil fuels are to blame for “pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground." It also proclaims that global warming is the "biggest problem of all" despite studies that prove that the world's temperatures are actually cooling. (Related: NO WARMING AT ALL: Global COOLING continues for eighth straight year, according to NOAA data.)

The Free Beacon also showed an example of NASA's Climate Kids webpage brainwashing children about the dangers of "climate change" and rising sea levels. One image predicted that cities like New Orleans and Miami could be underwater. However, the site does not show a timeline as to when it will happen.

Meanwhile, the NOAA Education Portal managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also peddles talking points from climate alarmists. It includes a curriculum with catastrophic language about global warming. "Courses linked on the portal, for example, encourage students to foster negative emotions about the state of the environment into taking action," noted the Free Beacon.

"The online resources appear to be a peg in the Biden-Harris administration's broader strategy of aiming climate messaging at younger generations."

Take control of your family's food security with a Harvest Right freeze dryer. There's a big sale happening right now….

Texas Sen. Cruz to investigate the two climate portals

According to the Free Beacon, the NASA Climate Kids webpage was created during the Obama administration in 2012. However, the NOAA Education Portal was made under the Biden administration only in 2022.

The webpages did not sit well with U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, with both now the subject of an investigation he is spearheading. On Aug. 22, he wrote letters to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and NOAA Administration Richard Spinrad over the two resources. Cruz demanded information from the two officials about their efforts to stoke climate anxiety and "manufacture support" for "radical environmental activism."

The senator accused the two agencies of producing "faux-educational materials that fuel climate alarmism" to generate support for the Biden administration’s climate agenda. Such fearmongering, he noted, contributes to the rise of "eco-anxiety" among young Americans.

"Young people are absorbing the rhetoric. They report high levels of anxiety about climate change and are adapting their behavior in radical ways, including by foregoing children. Is this anxiety based on science or sensationalism? The evidence points to the latter."

Please go to BU to continue reading.

Toss the petrol cars out for EVs much to China's advantage:

Petrol Cars "Rationed to Meet Net Zero Targets"

Why is it so hard to buy a petrol car?

And surprise, surprise. Ukraine at the behest of its masters in the west plan on shutting down the Druzhba ("Friendship Pipeline") and the "Comecon Pipeline" to Europe:

Western Europe's industrial collapse to accelerate in 2025 if Kyiv proceeds with major pipeline cutoff

It doesn't matter. The global transnational financial elite have decided global warming is real and the peasant slave class can go piss up a rope:

Save the day Nigeria! Who would have guessed Nigeria profitting from Ukraine's treachery?

Nigeria Eyes Morocco Pipeline to Supply Gas to Europe as Trans-Sahara Plans Crumb

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