Sunday, September 15, 2024


Editor's note:...or, assassinated by algorithm Take 2. Damn, the guy can't even have a game of golf in peace. Well, now that we know the intelligence agencies are the media and the media are the intelligence agencies we can be assured of more algorithm-driven clown shows. Do we have SOCOM data analytics/machine "intelligence" indicating what staged events to proceed with to maximize psychological division in the US and stoke civil war tensions: algorithm driven. How about that? Psychic driving through algorithm-driven mind fuck. All over a presidential election. This reeks to high heaven of the CIA's Operation CHAOS.

US media merged with intelligence services long ago – RT editor-in-chief


September 15, 2024 | by State of the Nation

There are two possible scenarios here:

(1) A real assassination scare perpetrated by the U.S. Intelligence Community for the liberal side of the NWO globalist cabal that was never meant to be carried out but just a warning to Trump to drop out of the race post-haste.

(2) A second assassination attempt hoax by the conservative side of the NWO globalist cabal that was executed similarly to the first assassination hoax on July 13, 2024 near Butler, Pennsylvania in order to draw undecided voters to Trump by making him a martyr.

There is a third reason why this assassination attempt was implemented at this particular time which assumes that #1 above is the true scenario. As follows:
Hard evidence has been submitted which unequivocally proves that Kamala Harris colluded with ABC to rig the debate in her favor. The proof is so conclusive that Team Harris knew they had to change this devastating conversation before such a dastardly transgression completely torpedoed her campaign. After all, if Harris will so brazenly cheat in a debate during prime time for the whole country to witness, what won’t she do behind closed doors?!

Harris is finished after ABC whistleblower submits affidavit attesting to reckless debate cheating (READ AFFIDAVIT)
Regardless of the actual scenario, there is always this common denominator to each and every shooting that is carried out with an automatic rifle, in this case an AK-47: to compel Trump to ban all automatic assault rifles should be win the election.

Obviously Ryan Routh's attempted assassination was carried out with an AK-47 so that Trump will quickly sign a bill, after he wins POTUS, that bans all automatic rifles in the USA.

Lastly, there is the possibility that this was a very real but incredibly inept assassination attempt … in which case there is this very likely culprit. See: NEOCONS STRIKE AGAIN! The Second Assassination Attempt on Trump

~~~ END OF STORY ~~~

More on their shooting asset. Maybe the CIA or the military were using some type of skull and brain technology to blast messages into his brain?


Pointing fingers:

EVERYTHING POINTS TO THE U.S. INTEL COMMUNITY: And the CIA/FBI terror group doesn’t even care since they can act with complete impunity

All those obvious connections:

Another book, another pamphlet, another essay, another assassination attempt...another mentally unstable Ukrainian-supporting weirdo thus easily manipulated. Again, more evidence the US is rapidly turning into a third world totalitarian state:

Inside The Mind Of The Alleged Would-Be Trump Assassin

If he was so obsessed with Ukraine why didn't he get on an airplane for Kiev and just leave the golf course the fuck alone?

Would-be Trump assassin 'obsessed' with Ukraine – media

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