Sunday, September 22, 2024

Americans are confused as the three monotheistic religions are controlled by the weapon of anti-semitism

Editor's note: In Freemason lingo how do we square this? Senator John Kennedy in a senate hearing on the ancient art of psychologically disabling and shutting down opposition using the weapon of anti-semitism and hate crimes, is questioning a Jewish rabbi and Maya Berry, the Executive Director at the Arab American Institute on anti-semitism. Senator Kennedy is a Methodist Christian, the rabbi is obviously Jewish and Maya Berry is ostensibly Islamic. The three great monotheistic religions represented in a senate hearing on anti-semitism. It's the god damn blind leading the blind. What's with this anti-semitism anyway, really? It looks like a smart ass Jew cowboy in Norman, Oklahoma got beat up and it was called an "anti-semitic hate crime" but on further examination "something is missing and something has been added as usual." Here's another problem: Senator Kennedy mentions Harvard University in his questioning of the Jewish rabbi on anti-semitism and harassing Jews, but what we have here are executives from major weapons manufacturers sitting on the boards of US universities including at Harvard. See the problem, Mr. Kennedy? Those weapon manufacturers are providing weapons in unlimited quantities to Israel. The three great monotheistic religions in a clusterfuck.

Breitbart News (Zionist faction): Born in the USA, conceived in Israel:

Watch: Leader of Arab American Institute Won't Admit Hamas Wants to Destroy Israel

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