Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Ukrainian people themselves are taking the brunt of this ongoing carnage

Editor's note: If there was anyone within the US corporation's administration who represents the darkest side of US foreign policy it was Victoria Nuland. Now that Nuland has apparently retired, she is responsible for leaving a serious mess in Ukraine. Nuland even promised Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu he would be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize if Netanyahu could convince Russia to leave Ukraine. For reasons known only to these archneocons like Nuland, their psychopathic vehement hatred of Russia is beyond comprehension. Nuland promised the Ukrainians they would all have a better life and look at Ukraine now. Over one million dead Ukrainian soldiers, eastern Ukraine looks like the surface of the Moon, millions of Ukrainians have been displaced and 50 percent of the prostitutes in Germany's brothels are Ukrainian women. Yes, the world is certainly watching the "drama unfold in Ukraine" alright. As Victoria Nuland is listened to in this short clip from one year ago think about the US weapon manufacturers profiting off this proxy war on Russia. What's Nuland's response? It's all Russia's fault.

"My stud — Das ist fantastisch!": 50% of prostitutes in brothels in Germany are Ukrainian

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