Sunday, September 15, 2024

The human body is an amazing piece of biological machinery

Editor's note: From antiquity the ancient Greek describing sex cults, the use of drugs for facilitating sexual pleasure until today the drug sex cults still exist. It's all there in the early versions of the bible written in ancient Greek very few understand and fewer still who can make highly accurate translations. Look carefully around you at what is going on. People have zero tolerance for each other where violence erupts at the slightest infraction. Is this the result of living under the pretense of religion? It is all religiously masked below the surface as to how violent, dangerous and vile humans really are. This is what the ancient Greek suggests. The human body is an amazing piece of biological machinery capable of producing organic compounds used by the ancient Greeks in their sex cults. When the human body is tapped into for its biological resources what is their value to those who have the wealth and are willing to pay? We are in the apocalypse. Bring it on, baby!

"Adrenochrome Is 10X More Potent than Heroin"

by the way, it's not adrenochrome they're after, it's DNMN which is the…..

September 15, 2024 | by State of the Nation

…strongest natural regenerative molecule known to exist and which is only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience.


Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Note Adrenochrome is simply oxidised adrenalin and a clotting agent or the precursor to what they are really truthfully after which is dimethyl neuronal melanin or (DNMN)

When methyl is added to Neuronal Melanin making dmnm DIMETHYL-NEURONAL-MELANIN (the strongest natural regenerative Molecule known to exist only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience) you can repair neurological damage and restore central nervous system functionality

Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Here is a link in case anyone is interested in the science

Structural Characteristics of Human Substantia Nigra Neuromelanin and Synthetic Dopamine Melanins

Comment posted by Chad Wittke

Further linked material:

"Adrenochrome Is 10X More Potent than Heroin"

Link from the source material above:

Video: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children's Organs in Adrenochrome Labs

Another US corporation employee blowing a whistle out of the federally subcontracted corporation DHS:

We have absolutely no idea where Steve Bannon aligns with all this considering he is Catholic, is connected to a lot of these networks and seems to be well aware of what the stakes in all this really are:

Nazis (Azov lunatics) slaughtered children like cattle for organ trafficking and likely adrenochrome harvesting for DNMN = DIMETHYL-NEURONAL-MELANIN:

The purple sex cults from antiquity:

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