Tuesday, September 17, 2024

War and rumors of war and...

Editor's note: ...more talk of war. "War, it's fantastic." For central bankers' it's their entire pretext for existence. There are now confirmed reports Russian submarines loaded with hypersonic missiles likely with UK and US targets already logged in for launch as Britain's Starmer chickens out. Then we come to the US Navy all geared up and ready for a "diversity" war with Russia. Unlike the British, at least there are a few cognizant American politicians remaining when considering the consequences of attacking Russia with US and UK weapons. In case everyone missed it the Russian military is now at its largest size (some sources are reporting over 2 million man military) in terms of manpower since the end of WWII. This in addition to Russia launching advanced military satellites to collect intelligence. If the collective west led by the UK and the US are determined to go to war then war it will be.

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