Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hollywood has merged with politics

Editor's note: More gems from the Monotheists as we reach the boundaries of tolerance. Another Judaic, this one at the head of US foreign policy decided by Israel, Antony Blinken who's only goal is to destroy Russia. Michael Rappaport who is an Ashkenazi Jew gets paid to act like a psycho if he already isn't one. But this is something you would expect when Hollywood has merged with politics in a very strange fatal symbiosis. Check these grinning ghouls out signing US manufactured munitions heading to Ukraine considering Ukraine's Zelensky was a comedian actor before he took on his role as the "leader" of Ukraine.

Zionist State Actors for Israel Exposed – Rappaport & Shapiro

The only thing here is it is not Satan. "Satan" is a Christian reference to evil. Maybe a better approach would be to try and understand what is happening from a scientific approach? What is likely to unfold here is that Israel will pull the US military into a massive war (also see Army Scraps DEI as U.S. Gears Up to Fight Israel's Wars) in the ME to "finish off" America.

Israel, the American Neoconservatives, and Satan Are Winning by Default

Brett Weinstein who is Jewish is telling us "this is the end of the west." If this is the end of the west as Weinstein looks into his crystal ball there will be no power vacuum and as such, where will that power shift to? Israel?

And it gets worse. Far worse. We have a Pegasus problem:

The US is a vassal of Israel and Trump will be Israel's king:

More on Blinken who works for Israel:

Then you can get your ass bar coded:

Make Israel better than America:

The "chosen people racket"

Vote on November 5th to make Israel greater...

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