Saturday, September 28, 2024

Who is runnin' this rap shit?

Editor's note: Rap music isn't music. It is brainless noise and utter cultural garbage attached to American society to demolish white America and to create a gang culture of drugs, crime, sex and violence that has gone hyper narcissistic in an entitlement and "diversity" society. It's just "black artistic expression", right. The blacks of recent fame being arrested are not smart or clever people. They are stupid and all fell for the bait: Greed, free sex and money. Lyor Cohen is a Jew who for the past 30 years has controlled the "gangsta-rap" culture, mentoring rappers such as Jay-Z who together with Dame Dash founded: Roc-a-fella-Records, named after the Rockefeller family." Lyor Cohen had a difficult time as a boy with English being raised Jewish in Israel speaking Hebrew. Explains a lot about what we are discovering about the Hebrew language. Cohen was once prosecuted for fraud. This subculture of ugliness where criminality has become glamorized filling prisons with lower class criminals was a creation of sinister forces propping up this rotting stench. 

Lyor Cohen: The Jewish mafioso who controls the RAP music


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"Old white men is runnin this rap shit,
Corporate force is runnin this rap shit,
a tall Israeli is runnin this rap shit,
Quasi-homosexuals is runnin this rap shit"

– Lyrics to the song "The Rape Over" by Mos Def, a reference to record label mogul Lyor Cohen.

Motown music had dignity and class:


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