Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The South China Sea Incident

Editor's note: Like Ukraine as a US proxy against Russia, the Philippines is now being used as a proxy against China in the South China Sea. The Philippine military leadership as a US proxy have probably been instructed by the US to antagonize China's shipping in the South China Sea to increase tensions. This is ostensibly to "protect the sovereignty of the Philippines." There have been no problems between China and the Philippines for decades and now suddenly the US shows up in the Philippines and controversy erupts between China and the Philippines? It is like waiting for another Gulf of Tonkin incident to take place. This time it will be the South China Sea incident. Honestly, who gives a shit about the sovereignty of Philippines when the US is being internally destroyed by foreign invaders?

"Our Patience Has Its Limits" – China Tells the Philippines to Stop Attacking Ships, Tells US Terrorists Not to Try

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