Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Is it Maga or Mega?

Editor's note: Take note of the fact how long the Mega Group has been in existence going back well before the 1980s. What's it going to be America? Make MAGA without Donald Trump a viable alternative to Mega?

Head Of the Snake: Exclusive Phone Call With Maria Farmer and Whitney Webb

September 25, 2024 | By Forbidden Knowledge

This is a riveting 25-minute clip from a 3-hour recorded phone call interview between Jeffrey Epstein employee, Maria Farmer and journalist, Whitney Webb.

The full audio was originally posted by The Last American Vagabond in 2020 and this excerpt really brings the story to life, with scoring and images and short clips added from unidentified documentaries, some of which have been taken down from the internet, of those which I could identify.

The creator of this amazing piece is a pseudonymously-named PVPGURL, and may have been recently posted to the @JustDudeChannel on Telegram. I found it a few days ago on Tore Maras' @toresaysPlus Telegram channel.

The information contained, both in the audio and with the added visuals is mindblowing (to put it mildly) and it is actually a major feat in filmmaking, because, while rough-looking imagery in a film can be a style decision, bad audio can make a film completely unwatchable.

This film has been brilliantly-edited with highly-informative and significant visuals that can serve as amazing tools for your own further personal investigations into Jeffrey Epstein and his former business partner, the billionaire clothing and retail mogul, Les Wexner, who Maria Farmer refers to repeatedly, here as "The Head of the Snake" – of the entire Epstein blackmail operation.

Farmer claims that Wexner gave Epstein all of his lavish homes in New York City, Palm Beach, New Mexico, Paris and in the US Virgin Islands for the price of $1, each. All of these properties were ridden with pinhole cameras, everywhere and all had control rooms staffed with personnel monitoring all of these cameras.

She says these properties also included massive "safes", which were actually entire 10,000 square foot rooms for storing all of this video footage, located in deep underground basements – beneath the visible basements.

The basement at Wexner's Wexner's 30-room, $47 million estate, on nearly 336 acres, outside of Columbus, Ohio also included a massive sauna that could fit multitudes of people.

Farmer claims that the entire floor of this 10,000 square foot "safe" at Wexner's Ohio estate could be elevated up or down, leading to a tunnel connecting to other parts of that vast property – and to who knows where else?

Farmer also tells Webb that Wexner is "Israeli intelligence" and that Ghislaine answered to Wexner, from whom Ghislaine received "all of her funding, to do this scam with Epstein. I know that."

Other sources quoted in this piece suggest that Israeli intelligence were likely involved in the deaths (or "deaths"?) of both Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, for the reasons explained in this video and in the transcript, below.

Toward the end, Farmer says she believes that it is not a coincidence that Columbus, Ohio was once the #1 human trafficking hub in the US, and that it currently ranks third, even though Columbus is nowhere near the third largest city in the US. LA is now the #1 center for human trafficking and the second-largest city in the country.

Maria also claims that all trafficked humans in the US, no matter where they are kidnapped or picked-up – even if it's in Phoenix, Arizona and they're being sent to Mexico – they have to first pass through and be processed in Columbus, Ohio before they are shipped out of the country or to wherever they’re being sent. I’ve never heard this before and I wouldn't even know where to begin to confirm this statement, about which Farmer is adamant and repeats several times.

She asks, "Why? Why do they take everyone to Columbus, first?" Farmer notes that Les Wexner basically owns Columbus and that she does not believe in coincidences.

She asks, "And who has a tunnel under their house and the floor raises up? I think Jeffrey just did his bidding for Wexner, in whatever way he wanted. I think Jeffrey did whatever Wexner wanted and he provided Wexner, not only with boys, but with girls."

Other people investigating human trafficking say that most of it is not for prostitution but for organ-harvesting and medical experimentation – I suspect, for things like testing the 6LoWPAN Wireless Communications, which Sabrina Wallace has explained are the new internet protocols that would use the human biofield, to both power and to route the data that is supposed to drive all of the planned autonomous trains, planes and automobiles.

I recently reported that a good friend of mine is also friends with a medical officer currently serving at Camp Pendleton, who tells him that 60% of vaxx recipients under his care (aka Marines) are developing a syndrome, whereby it appears that their nervous systems are being hijacked by the vaxx nanocircuitry, which he fears will enable this 6G wireless takeover of their thoughts and actions. He says he can’t figure out how it works.

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge to continue reading.

Who's Who in 'Mega'

by Scott Thompson | November 16, 2001

The following are brief biographical profiles of some of the leading known members of the "Mega" group; notable, is the pattern of alleged organized crime ties.

Charles Bronfman: On Feb. 19, 1999, Charles Bronfman was elected chairman of United Jewish Communities (UJC). This $4 billion cash cow subsumes 189 Jewish Federation contributors and 400 Jewish communities in North America. At a Nov. 9-13 UJC General Assembly in Washington, Bronfman will pass the chairmanship to James A. Tisch, son of Mega member Laurence Tisch.

Charles Bronfman had been co-chairman of Seagrams, until its merger with Vivendi. He is today chairman of Koor Industries Ltd., which is a high-tech holding company at the heart of the Israeli military-industrial complex. He is also chairman of Claridge-Israel, Inc., which took over Bank Hapolim, when the Israeli government privatized it. This deal was brokered by Ted Arison, an Israeli who, in the United States, built the Carnival Cruise Lines into a billion-dollar business. Arison got his financing to start Carnival from Meshulim Riklis, one of junk-bond manipulator Michael Milken's major clients, and a close ally of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Leslie Wexner: This co-founder of Mega is closely aligned with some of the top British-American-Commonwealth institutions. However, Wexner's main business is The Limited, Inc.—a holding company for such firms as Intimate Brands, Victoria's Secret, and Bath & Body Works—which he founded in 1963.

Wexner is a board member of Conrad Black's Hollinger International, Inc. and of Hollinger International Publishing Inc. Lady Margaret Thatcher is chairman of Hollinger's International Advisory Board, which also includes Henry Kissinger, William F. Buckley, and Richard Perle. Hollinger owns the leading Israeli English-language daily, the Jerusalem Post, which has become a mouthpiece for Sharon and the radical right.

Wexner is also on the board of the Aspen Institute, an important Anglo-American world federalist think-tank.

Leonard Abramson: Abramson was the founder of the murderous health maintenance organization, U.S. Healthcare. He sold it to Aetna Insurance for $990 million. Now, apart from a stake in Israel's Bank Hapolim, Abramson owns the Maine Merchant Bank in Portland, which is a $20 million non-deposit institution, whose ostensible purpose is to make high-risk, venture-capital investments.

Edgar Bronfman: Bronfman has been president of the WJC since 1981, and has been a director of the Anti-Defamation League for many years.

The Bronfman family fortune was built by the father of Edgar and Charles, Sam Bronfman, who during Prohibition merged his Distillers Corp. in Montreal with Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons, Ltd. to supply "bootleggers" with top brand booze, becoming what Israel Shamir (writing on Mega) called a "Mafia boss." Under the successor co-chairmanship of Charles and Edgar Bronfman, Seagrams took a 24% controlling interest in DuPont. But soon after Edgar's son, Edgar Bronfman, Jr., became CEO of Seagrams, he sold off the holding, purchasing Universal Pictures and the world's largest record distributor, Polygram Records. On June 19, 2001, the Bronfmans sold Seagrams to former Lazard Frères partner Jean-Marie Messier, owner of media and communications conglomerate Vivendi, for $34 billion.

Through Seagrams and the WJC, Edgar Bronfman was a top business collaborator of some of the most prominent figures in the former Soviet Union and East Germany. Just months before the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of East Germany, Bronfman was given the highest civilian award by the East German Communist Party, for his efforts to salvage the communist state.

Max Fisher: In 1985 Max Fisher, a top adviser on Jewish affairs and Middle East policy to every Repubican President since Eisenhower, founded what is now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition, of which Fisher, 93, remains honorary chairman. A March 11, 1998 Jerusalem Post article reports that Fisher is looking for a replacement, and among those being considered are Mega co-founder Leslie Wexner, suspected Mega member Ronald S. Lauder, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.

Fisher amassed his fortune as a bagman for the "Purple Gang" that smuggled Sam Bronfman's booze from Canada into the speakeasies of the Midwest. Fisher made his "legitimate" fortune in the oil retail business, through Keystone Oil, Aurora Oil, and Marathon Oil. Fisher later became chairman of United Brands (a.k.a. United Fruit), a firm accused of major narcotics smuggling from South America.

Harvey M. Meyerhoff: Meyerhoff made his money in real estate in Baltimore, Maryland, and was one of the chief architects of the transition of that city from an industrial and port center into a tourist attraction. Its port has been transformed into an Aquarium and site for a Disney Museum that features a Harvey Meyerhoff Gallery.

Steven Spielberg: One of the newest known members of Mega is Hollywood billionaire Steven Spielberg, whose Dreamworks Studio has produced such films as Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. Spielberg's Shoah (Hebrew for "Holocaust") has gathered a video archive of testimony from 50,000 Jewish Holocaust victims. Being late to Jewish Philanthropy, one wonders just how much Spielberg knows of the subject, as one Mega educational project for Jewish schools across the country teaches both Kabbala and Buddhist meditation.

Please go to EIR to continue reading.

Team Israel. Get Iran:

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