Tuesday, September 10, 2024

British taxpayers picked up the tab after all this pillaging...

Editor's note: ...and what everyone missed in the recent reporting about the conman Sir Phillip Green is that he is Jewish. Can't be inducted into the anti-Semitic hall of fame now can we? Here is another case of "Judeocentric philanthropy" pillaging (asset stripping and destroying people's livelihoods British style) money out of various British organizations in which the Jewish Green worked exclusively with fellow tribe members and not non-Jews when he could. As pointed out in the linked article, "Green has been a congenital con-artist since he first started out in business in 1979 when he conned customers into thinking used designer clothes were in fact new." Then when it came to British Home Stores (BHS) Green left a £571 million black hole in BHS' pension scheme and that this cash was moved by Green and/or his wife out of BHS for their own personal benefit. It was the now global censor Tsar Tony Blair who handed Green his British knighthood and David Cameron who gave Green a job.

Sir Phillip Green: Corrupt Capitalist and Devout Jew

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