Monday, September 30, 2024

Politicians are like an insidious incurable infection

Editor's note: It is almost as if these politicians who are vetted for their positions know the west is being collapsed to make room for China and they are pillaging the financial system for as much as they can acquire before it all comes crashing down. Is Starmer a gay homosexual? The evidence and his character traits certainly suggest this. This is why the super rich in the UK ruling party don't want journalists in on their meetings? Can't have pesky journalists reporting on their activities now can they? The really terrifying aspect is how populations in these respective western countries shit all over themselves in a frenzy of self-adulation following these politicians. Idolizing these politicians is like believing the stripper really likes you.


Leftist British PM Starmer Keeps Sliding in the Polls, as Labour MP Resigns Over His 'Sleaze, Nepotism and Avarice' and He Is Compared To Corrupt Imelda Marcos

By Paul Serran | September 30, 2024 | 83 Comments

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's government is in a shambles, and he can’t quite seem to get a grip on things as he struggles to implement his disastrous policies in the Kingdom.

After failing to quash the MPs' revolt during the Labour conference in Liverpool, now he has to deal with the fallout from British lawmaker Rosie Duffield quitting the ruling party on Saturday.

She left in protest at Starmer's approach to child poverty and 'his acceptance of tens of thousands of pounds of free clothing and hospitality from political donors'.

Reuters reported:
"In her resignation letter, a copy of which she gave to The Sunday Times newspaper, Duffield accused Starmer of 'sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice’, adding: 'I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party'."
Read: LABOUR MADNESS: Keir Starmer's Upcoming 'Tax Raid' and Leftist Policies Are Driving Wealthy Individuals and Entrepreneurs To Leave the UK in Droves

Starmer has said that he would stop accepting donations to pay for clothing for him and his wife – too little, too late, it seems.
"Duffield said she would continue to represent the city of Canterbury in southeast England as an independent lawmaker. She has been a member of parliament since 2017 and voted against Starmer becoming leader in 2020.

Starmer led the Labour Party to a sweeping victory in a July 4 election, but opinion polls suggest his personal popularity has fallen sharply with voters since he entered office."
Duffield was one of no less than 53 Labour lawmakers who abstained in a vote this month on the proposal to remove a winter fuel subsidy from 10 million pensioners.

Please go to Gateway Pundit to continue reading.

These politicians in the US don't want you talking about them or their plans you aren't privy to:

Video: Hillary Clinton Calls Free Speech 'Propaganda', Wants to Jail Americans for Speaking

John Kerry's Ministry of Truth

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