Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"The Pentagon has taken over."

Editor's note: The "American coup" took place a long time ago concerning the US military. It was a military coup - led by Sam Nunn, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee and Chairman and founder of the wonk tank the Democrat Leadership Council (DLC). The "Atari Democrats" (aligned with Silicon Valley) joined forces with Sam Nunn's DLC to represent the military as it "pertains to the development of technology for a 21st century military" - a technocratic tyranny. Listen to this linked C-Span event that took place in November, 1989 especially close to Chuck Robb and Jeff Faux (Economic Policy Institute). The huge downside with bringing military planners into country-wide economic planning is that the military is the epitome of the ultimate welfare queens. So what kind of economy did the Pentagon plan? They might have eliminated the welfare check, but they brought the ideas of giving away money to the small business administration - giving away money for "small entrepreneurial" businesses. As a consequence it allowed communistic commercial cells to parasitize the relatively free market, using programmed agents holding divisive grievance ideology to eliminate "interlopers"/"goy businesses" for benefit of interconnected largely Jewish monopolies which care nothing for the rights of others. With a seemingly endless stream of favorable credit conditions (small business loans) issued by banksters who control the contracts. Credit cronyism to enrich insiders and bankrupt outsiders, in terms of the Cabal's goals.

An American Coup?

By Tyler Durden | September 23, 2024

Authored by Thomas Neuberger via Substack,
"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy"

- Constitution of the United States, Article 2, Section 2
I found the following news via a piece at Ian Welsh's site, and it struck me as important. While I don't want to overplay what it implies, I don't want to underplay it either.
An American Coup?

In a 30-minute interview with Judge Napolitano on September 18, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell and critic of America's wars, described a recent event in which Pentagon chief Gen. Lloyd Austin told President Biden that, in Wilkerson's words, "the Pentagon has taken over, essentially, diplomacy as well as any action, militarily speaking, with regard to both theaters of war," meaning Ukraine and Israel.

Wilkerson added, "And so they're now in charge." Austin, according to this telling, listened “to the people in the bowels of the Pentagon who know the truth" and forced the President to back down.

Biden was furious, we're told, but "took that advice." Except, as Wilkerson tells it, it wasn't advice, but instruction. "No dice," as Wilkerson characterized the message, sounds pretty final.

This is good news and bad news. The good, U.S. policy is now:
• To Netanyahu, if you invade Lebanon or attack Iran, you're on your own.
• To Zelenskyy, no to long range missiles reaching deep into Russia.
So we and the world are safer, at least for a while.

The bad: Is this a coup? Has the military stood up to the President, forced him to change policy?

If the answers are yes, we're on our way once more to revising the Constitution-as-practiced. Both political parties have already confirmed that the Fourth Amendment can be ignored. That's now the "new normal." So what's this encroachment of the Pentagon into foreign policy, if not another "new normal"? Has MacArthur finally won?

Please go to Zero Hedge to continue reading.

This sort of demonstrates Wilkerson's assertions outlined in the above Zero Hedge article:

The Pentagon has the military all over the globe:

The Pentagon and its retired generals who love war:

A Typical Example of Washington Think

More on the Pentagon and the DLC:

The best alternative is to defund the US military and rebuild the US economy:

It was suggested the Pentagon should be run like a business but how is that even possible when this is going on:

Exclusive: The Pentagon's Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed

The US Army are being sent to the ME to fight and die for Israel:

Team Israel. Get Iran:

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