Sunday, September 15, 2024


Editor's note: Damn, guy can't even have a game of golf in peace. Well, now that we know the intelligence agencies are the media and the media are the intelligence agencies we can be assured of more algorithm-driven clown shows. Do we have SOCOM data analytics/machine "intelligence" indicating what staged events to proceed with to maximize psychological division in the US and stoke civil war tensions: algorithm driven. How about that? Psychic driving through algorithm-driven mind fuck. All over a god damn presidential election. This wreaks to high heaven of the CIA's operation chaos.

US media merged with intelligence services long ago – RT editor-in-chief


September 15, 2024 | by State of the Nation

There are two possible scenarios here:

(1) A real assassination scare perpetrated by the U.S. Intelligence Community for the liberal side of the NWO globalist cabal that was never meant to be carried out but just a warning to Trump to drop out of the race post-haste.

(2) A second assassination attempt hoax by the conservative side of the NWO globalist cabal that was executed similarly to the first assassination hoax on July 13, 2024 near Butler, Pennsylvania in order to draw undecided voters to Trump by making him a martyr.

The human body is an amazing piece of biological machinery

Editor's note: From antiquity the ancient Greek describing sex cults, the use of drugs for facilitating sexual pleasure until today the drug sex cults still exist. It's all there in the early versions of the bible written in ancient Greek very few understand and fewer still who can make highly accurate translations. Look carefully around you at what is going on. People have zero tolerance for each other where violence erupts at the slightest infraction. Is this the result of living under the pretense of religion? It is all religiously masked below the surface as to how violent, dangerous and vile humans really are. This is what the ancient Greek suggests. The human body is an amazing piece of biological machinery capable of producing organic compounds used by the ancient Greeks in their sex cults. When the human body is tapped into for its biological resources what is their value to those who have the wealth and are willing to pay? We are in the apocalypse. Bring it on, baby!

"Adrenochrome Is 10X More Potent than Heroin"

by the way, it's not adrenochrome they're after, it's DNMN which is the…..

September 15, 2024 | by State of the Nation

…strongest natural regenerative molecule known to exist and which is only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience.


Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Note Adrenochrome is simply oxidised adrenalin and a clotting agent or the precursor to what they are really truthfully after which is dimethyl neuronal melanin or (DNMN)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Maybe it is past time the world signs a treaty to ban Britain?

Editor's note: It really is astonishing what the world allows the British to get away with. Not surprising in the least when one considers the pirate City of London is the central banking nexus. When you really think about it maybe Russia's Dmitry Medvedev is correct in his assertion "the Island called Britain is likely to sink in the next few years." If there ever was a time for America to consider Russia as an ally and go totally Promethean against the pirate City of London central banking death cult it is now. We value the individual, not the person, over the central banking death cult. Ask the Palestinians

UK Gov't Signs WEF Treaty to Close Airports, Ban Beef and Lamb To Achieve Net Zero By 2030

International Public Notice: Dear Mr. Putin, Yet Again

September 14, 2024 | By Anna Von Reitz

As you know, our country, The United States, has never been a member of NATO. We have, instead, been misrepresented by our Federal Subcontractors who have engaged in NATO and many other such alliances "in our names" and have formed sea-treaties that mock the real thing.

The core of our common problem resides in London, in the Inner City of London, in Rome and Vatican City, in Geneva, in the Dutch enclave, and regrettably, Washington, DC, which is, again, an international enclave that is set apart from our country as a whole and operating as a rogue independent city-state. Likewise, the specific enclave of the United Nations and Municipality of New York designated NYC, are perched on our land without any permission from us.

The Taylor Swift PSYOP to keep people jacked into the system

Editor's note: Taylor Swift's handlers have done a remarkable job at infantilizing American youth. A cultural wasteland of profit where a faked dating breakup matchup between professional football entertainment player Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift to increase female attendance at faked and staged NFL professional football games. This is how they keep Americans jacked into the system

Friday, September 13, 2024

The UK under Starmer apparently don't understand consequences

Editor's note: Russia does not announce "red lines." Those are a complete fabrication of the west and their fanatical media. The message is clear here with Russia's Vladimir Putin visiting the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the burial site of Alexander Nevsky after the British discussed allowing Ukraine to launch the UK's Storm Shadow cruise missiles deep into Russia. Alexander Nevsky saved Russia from foreign invasion during the 13th century. Britain and Ukraine are like two lovers in a suicide pact.

The "chosen people racket"

Editor's note: It should be apparent by now Jews have a forged history with the Old Testament being a rewrite of ancient manuscripts heisted by rabbinical scholars from Babylon forward. A rewrite giving us their God of war Yahweh. A God of hate, racism and war. It's the "Chosen people racket." And what a racket it is. The New Testament was written in ancient Greek that very few scholars or classicists know today, which had no word for "Jew", a typical evasion. The Jewish thing sprung up in the 3rd century. An artificial construct. How many people know that Hebrew has approximately 8,000 words while Greek has over 500,000 with the ability to create new words and concepts? Something the inferior language of Hebrew doesn't have? And we're supposed to believe Hebrew is some ancient sacred language? The really ponderous question is why can't the average Jewish person figure this out like non-Jewish people are coming around to understanding?

Have you ever tried to "program" cash?

Editor's note: The central banks are imploding the financial and monetary system crashing banks and consolidating them in order to transition into Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs are a "revolution in banking" but who initiates the revolution and who ultimately benefits? CBDCs are being "erroneously presented as something brand new." The reality is people have been using bank digital currencies (BDC) for decades so there is nothing new here and BDCs have been working quite well. The ONLY difference now is that CBDCs have the "CENTRAL" stamp on them. Is there a need for CBDCs? No, there isn't. Because there are no real problems with settlements and transactions with the current use of BDCs. The "Great Reset" with its 4IR attached working with central banks are about digital centralization of all financial transactions. CBDCs are about destroying the competition including cash. The real undeniable danger of CBDCs is that they are "programmable." Use your imagination on what that would mean. Have you ever tried to "program" cash?

Nine-Point Plan for Stopping the Great Reset

1. Refuse CBDC (Central Bank Digital currency). This requires using alternate, parallel currency.

Central Bank Digital Currency

2. Refuse digital identity. "Inclusion" means totalitarianism.

Digital ID And You

3. Reject Internet of Bodies (IoB) technologies, the installation of devices in your body, the Metaverse, and transhumanist technologies.

Russia knows precisely who their biggest antagonists are...

Editor's note: ...with Russia's Dmitry Medvedev stating: "The Island called Britain is likely to sink in next few years." Medvedev further suggested, "Russia's hypersonic missiles would help if necessary." Then do it, Russia! Stop talking about it. Britain might get lucky with Kiev allowed to use the UK's Storm Shadow cruise missiles launched deeper into Russia but the analysts, and some pretty good ones at that, are saying this is a "Hail Mary pass" as Ukraine collapses. British brains with US muscle in terms of weapons have thrown at Ukraine everything including the kitchen sink and the destruction of over 12,000 Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk was the final UK-US nail in Ukraine's coffin. If Ukraine does launch a few of these British weapons at Russia this would mean NATO (UK) are at war with Russia since these weapons are operated by NATO and UK personnel. Do people especially Americans want to know how the British oligarchy really think about inferior classes and by extension over one million dead Ukrainian soldiers (see A Little Insight)? Read Our values: killing pensioners to save money. If Americans were to act in an organized and aggressive manner they would sever the trauma bond of the Anglo-American dysfunctional relation. It's like being married to a full blown narcissist only worse.

Russian To Expel Six UK Diplomats Who Engaged In intelligence Activities In Moscow

September 13, 2024 | South Front

Six employees of the United Kingdom embassy in Moscow have been stripped of their accreditation for engaging in intelligence and subversive activities incompatible with their diplomatic status, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) announced on September 13.
"The Russian Federal Security Service has received documentary materials confirming London's coordination of the escalation of the international military-political situation," the press office said in a statement.

"The said documents show that in the UK the main unit coordinating subversive activities in Russia's direction (and in the countries of the former USSR) is the Directorate for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the UK Foreign Office, which after the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine was transformed into a special service whose main task is to inflict a strategic defeat on our country," it added.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Biden-Harris Democrats are invited to Ohio for some Haitian cuisine

Editor's note: This is probably a setup to further stir up the pot but it sure is fun mocking Democrats. Ohio turned into an open air delicatessen for Haitians. While waiting for their Medicaid Haitians are chowing down. Well, not all of them but clearly a few of them. Haitian cuisine: Cats; dogs; ducks; wild geese and skunk. This story was sourced from: Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio. Apparently, a video appeared of a Haitian charbroiling a cat (needs confirmation) over an open gas stove. What other sensible advice is there other than to start shooting at these violent gang members in self-defense? RED ALERT! An Ultra-Violent Migrant Gang Is Shooting Police Officers, Trafficking Young Women and Raping Kids.

News update for 13 September 2024 with Democratic Bolshevik operatives likely pulling this stunt off: Springfield school evacuated, Ohio BMV locations and county offices closed.

British asset Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama

Editor's note: Obama was more like a weaponized anthropological experiment.

The Crown has always tried to prevent America and Russia from developing trade and economic relations. Obama's job was to destroy America from within. The British will never under any circumstances allow Russia to come to America's aid like the Russians did when the US was thrown into a "civil war" by the British.

Russiagate served the Crown's interests by keeping the US and Russia divided

The ONLY fealty you should be swearing allegiance to is fealty to yourself...

Editor's note: the right of self-determination. The UN makes their final move as the empire collapses the climax being the Trump-Harris (she's an alleged alcoholic) "debate." So, who wants to start up a new US government after the old one is discarded? The censorship-industrial complex has moved into overdrive shutting down all discourse wherever they can. Apparently, the "Great Reset" cabal located in Switzerland wants the US to be on-board and totally compliant with whatever mass-changes to the Anglo-American financial infrastructure they have planned coming through the central banks.

Towards an "Oppressive Digital New World Order". UN "World for the Future" Conference. 22-23 September 2024. Borderless "Enslavement Package", Digital Control over 8 Billion People

Nations to swear fealty to UN

By Yudi Sherman | September 9, 2024

On September 22nd, dignitaries from around the world will gather at the United Nations headquarters in New York for a meeting called Summit of the Future.

At the conference, world leaders will sign Pact for the Future, an accord in which member states will pledge their allegiance to the UN as a central, unifying government.

"We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations through the actions in this Pact for the Future," the document begins.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Richard Wagner's Parsifal Overture - Figuring Out the Bankers' Tricks

Editor's note: Use caution in not getting caught up in the monotheistic religions if there is a "spiritual transformation."  Since the following essay discusses central banks and the pirate City of London, it was apropos to toss in Podcast Episode #190 – Alex Krainer and How All Financial Fuses Lead to London. Try listening to Richard Wagner's Parsifal Overture who "figured out the bankers' tricks" while reading this essay:

World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost: Spiritual Transformation Is the Only Way to Prevent Extinction

Bring on the apocalypse

Editor's note: This is going to thoroughly piss off a lot of Christian Americans but it is past time we look for better methods to extract ourselves from this carnage. How do we do this? It won't be easy but it will come about by having superior knowledge. When you are armed with superior knowledge it is like a call to action. Here is what is going to piss off a lot of Americans: Christianity facilitates pedophilia. Maybe it is time we completely revamp our thinking and understanding of the significance of the ancient Greek language that proceeded Hebrew? Maybe it is time to reevaluate what democracy really was in ancient Greece? Why is ancient Greek a superior language over all other languages even until today? Is it possible everything we think we know about Christianity and Jesus is all a historically fictitious overlay using the monotheistic religions going back to Abraham who was a child trafficker?  Sounds absolutely preposterous. Was Jesus caught in the Garden of Gethsemane with a little boy? Modern biblical scholars do not know ancient Greek. Ancient Greek described the horrific brutality humans are capable of including pedophilia people today ignore and hide from. In America, pedophlia has replaced democracy as the state religion. What can accurate interpretations of ancient Greek teach us about what is happening today discussed in this news clip?

"You've just been fucked by Psyops. Because physical wounds heal"

Editor's note: This is a highly recommended essay on how the US military and the Pentagon since 1947 have morphed into an unelected ruling dark empire of death unto itself. Think that is an exaggeration? Col. Michael Aquino (deceased) took it offensively a giant step further, co-authoring with his then boss Col. Paul Vallely a 1980 paper called "From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory," pushing for waging perpetual psychological warfare through propaganda and mind control against friend and foe alike, including on the American people. The essence of what MindWar stands for is "the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war." MindWar's co-author General Vallely retired in 1991 and has been a Fox News media pundit with his own patriotic "Stand Up America" website. It's likely mission is to pacify and control any potential patriotic resistance to the Pentagon that may spontaneously rise up in America. 

Flashback 1930s: A Time Before Military Adulation

By Steve Penfield | September 9, 2024 | 51 Comments

Before the federal takeover of broadcasting took hold about a century ago, Americans had a healthy distrust of military propaganda. Now that independent journalism is taking shape on the internet, the D.C. Imperials are having to work harder to whip up the next batch of War Fever. Let’s hope they keep failing.

Long before U.S. politicians gave their overwhelming support for brutal massacres in Vietnam to Iraq to Palestine, Americans let their empty pride of "winning" two world wars dissolve their prior restraint from engaging in such reckless violence. The pro-war censorship of global elites today is merely a continuation of the press crack downs in the 1930s that silenced its critics and struck fear into others for generations to come. But it wasn't always this way.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

UK-US Netherlands asset approves hitting targets deep inside Russia

Editor's note: As this article is read from Armstrong Economics keep in mind the Netherlands defense minister Ruben Brekelmans is a British and US asset. Brekelman studied at the London School of Economics and obtained a Master of Public Administration degree in 2015 at the Harvard Kennedy School. Brekelman is plugged in alright. The Ukrainians launched a huge drone attack on Moscow that was coordinated by Brekelmans friends at NATO. This drone strike on Moscow had no specific military targets intended and was an indiscriminate terror attack hitting civilian infrastructure. NATO has no other option than terror. The majority of the drones were destroyed by Russian air defense systems.


Netherlands Approves Ukraine To Use Their Weapons to Attack Moscow

September 11, 2024 | By Martin Armstrong

What is becoming very clear is that NATO and the Neocons are out to ensure that World War III starts before the US election. Ruben Brekelmans, the defense minister of The Netherlands, just gave Zelensky the approval to use their weapons to wage war on Russia and even attack Moscow. Brekelmans claimed that international law "is not limited by distance." He added, "The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border." He has now placed The Netherlands in the crosshairs, being the first to authorize Ukraine to start killing civilians in Russia.

British taxpayers picked up the tab after all this pillaging...

Editor's note: ...and what everyone missed in the recent reporting about the conman Sir Phillip Green is that he is Jewish. Can't be inducted into the anti-Semitic hall of fame now can we? Here is another case of "Judeocentric philanthropy" pillaging (asset stripping and destroying people's livelihoods British style) money out of various British organizations in which the Jewish Green worked exclusively with fellow tribe members and not non-Jews when he could. As pointed out in the linked article, "Green has been a congenital con-artist since he first started out in business in 1979 when he conned customers into thinking used designer clothes were in fact new." Then when it came to British Home Stores (BHS) Green left a £571 million black hole in BHS' pension scheme and that this cash was moved by Green and/or his wife out of BHS for their own personal benefit. It was the now global censor Tsar Tony Blair who handed Green his British knighthood and David Cameron who gave Green a job.

Sir Phillip Green: Corrupt Capitalist and Devout Jew

Monday, September 9, 2024

Palestinians are being exterminated like bugs

Editor's note: Honestly, what the hell is going on in Gaza with Israel dropping tons of US-supplied munitions on Gaza and soon the West Bank killing thousands of Palestinians to-date including hundreds of children, are now suddenly going to stop the bombing and killing so that roughly 640,000 Palestinian children can be orally given polio vaccines? Then once the children are loaded with these oral vaccines the Israelis will commence their bombing again?

Watch: Experimental Polio Vaccine Rolled Out to Hundreds of Thousands of Children in Gaza

Vaccine safety expert Dr. Suzanne Humphries joined CHD.TV's Polly Tommey to discuss the WHO's polio vaccination campaign in Gaza. Humphries said the WHO is deploying a genetically engineered oral vaccine to combat a type of vaccine-induced polio.

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. | September 5, 2024 | 37 Comments

Over 187,000 children under age 10 this week were vaccinated against polio in central Gaza during the first phase of a two-round polio vaccination campaign, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported.

The UK-US (NATO) commercial war of attrition against Russia continues...

Editor's note: ...using British brains and US muscle (profiteers). This is now a vain war of attrition between the Anglo-Americans (NATO) and Russia as western stocks of war materials are emptied out into Ukraine that will only become extremely profitable later (see US Seeks "Super Weapons" to Reign as Sole Superpower) for western arms manufacturers when these arms and equipment are replaced. The US will continue pumping weapons and munitions into Ukraine until there are no more Ukrainian men available to deploy them. Analysts have speculated about who is behind Ukraine's Zelensky with the US and the UK being a given, but is George Soros also standing behind Zelensky with the Soros Open Society Foundation having influence over US policy decisions on what the regime in Kiev under Zelensky are doing? The US position was always to pursue a Neocon proxy war on Russia using Ukraine and nothing has changed with thousands now dead Ukrainian soldiers who entered the Kursk region. The Ukrainians are being annihilated on the battlefield with reported rising desertions and low morale as the US-UK proxy regime in Kiev collapses. In the context of all that is transpiring in Ukraine the only option at this point for the imperial British fascist corporate central banking super structure is for a total terror war against Russia as their last option.

Has the US finally succeeded in choking off Russia's biggest trade lifeline?

'Let's Just Fight': How Britain Prefers War Over Peace In Ukraine

Boris Johnson avoided promoting a compromise peace in Ukraine after Russia invaded. Now, Labour continues to help prolong the conflict to secure British interests.

By Mark Curtis | September 9, 2024

Last week, defence secretary John Healey announced that the UK "will continue to step up our support to help Ukraine achieve victory" in its war with Russia.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ominous parallels

Editor's note: What does this demolition remind you of as it drops perfectly into its footprint?

There is going to be an inflection point and then violence is going to go parabolic

Editor's note: Nancy Pelosi who was spawned out of one of the four crime families of California (California's Newsom is the son of Ron Pelosi who is the brother of Nancy Pelosi's husband) is what Malcolm X accurately observed when he said, "that white person you see calling themselves a liberal is the most dangerous thing in the entire western hemisphere" and Pelosi just demonstrated this fact here. The Bolsheviks running the state of California have now prepared a bill to provide $150,000 for home loans to illegal aliens. If you're a legal alien or an American citizen moving to California you don't qualify. And what did the Bolshevik Nomenklatura Kamala Harris recently say about blacks who only compromise 5% of the US population? Contrary to what the leftist Pelosi says in this interview, America is reaching an inflection point on mass immigration and the outcome is not going to be very pleasant

Knowledge is power

Editor's note: This isn't just some vague historical and romantic sunshine patriot notion that "every generation must water the tree of liberty." That "water" is the literal blood of tyrants. Americans now have a decision to make. Or it will be complete lawlessness. Thomas Jefferson who read and spoke ancient Greek knew what the original meaning of democracy meant and not later distorted interpretations like we have today. Jefferson also was not vague after his studying ancient Greek. Nourishing the tree of liberty means death to tyrants. Jefferson also knew the dangers of the three monotheistic religions that are now stepping forward for violent resolution. That is why Jefferson was well read on the Qu'ran. RFK Jr knows what he is talking about thinking back to how his father, Robert F. Kennedy and his older brother John F. Kennedy, were running a sophisticated intelligence operation through Lee Harvey Oswald to destroy the CIA (their profession is lying, propaganda, duplicity, assassinations and deception). Those 20,000 early Americans who were killed didn't slow down or stop the annexation of America by the British. Are Americans beginning to comprehend why the white race must be exterminated by any means necessary? Once you have access to historical knowledge like how ancient Greek (not modern interpretations) accurately described the vile and disgusting behavior of men and what they are capable of doing your entire perspective, attitude and outlook radically changes. Even to the point of acting on that knowledge. Knowledge is power.

Its been a wonderful week of monotheistic religious warfare, retribution, threats, hatred and killings

Editor's note: The three monotheistic religions as pointed out earlier are being vectored into a violent collision course with this recent incident where a Muslim woman in Switzerland shot up pictures of Jesus and Mary. Then in Iraq, the "axis of resistance" is alleged to be preparing for revenge on Israel as they claim "retribution is coming." Then from Switzerland and Iraq lets head over to the Israel-Jordanian border where three Israelis were shot dead at a border crossing point. Yemen of course is an Islamic country with the US and its partner in lucrative war Britain have been dropping munitions on that country non-stop for Yemen's support of Palestinians as the Yemenis continue messing up shipping through the Red Sea. Taking a look at Africa as a whole, many African nations are now rejecting what is being called "spiritual colonialism" by the west. Finally, we come to Turkey which is an Islamic country where sanctions against Israel have been implemented. But now Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has essentially called for an Islamic uprising against the Israeli state. Now toss in the idea we are confronted by genocidal fucking maniacs as we are rapidly approaching civilization breakdown.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Covid injections but where afraid to ask because you thought you'd be ridiculed and laughed at

Editor's note: Dr. Makis tells workers to keep and not destroy Covid injection vials as the corporate Bolshevik Trudeau regime attempts to destroy evidence. Dr. Makis advises workers at the venues that are now being ordered by the Canadian government to destroy all COVID-19 mRNA experimental bioweapon vials to NOT comply with these orders; that by doing so, they would destroy evidence of contamination – to say nothing of genocide – that is contained in those vials and why those vials may eventually become worth their weight in gold or become the new Bitcoin. See Dr. Sabine Hazan reveals that important gut bacteria are ERASED by COVID "vaccines".

US military priorities

Editor's note: Thousands of Americans are asking a serious question about the US military? Exactly what is their mission perimeters? Look at the bio of Maj. Gen. Jody A. Merritt, who is the Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Space Command, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. Read through the bio of Maj. Gen. Merritt. It is standardized data dictionary language. These military types learn it and then live it. These sterile bio write-ups place these military types like they are beyond reproach. The US military is not there to protect America and that by now should be more than obvious. All sorts of people including these military types are behaving like triggered MK-ULTRA subjects and lack awareness of their dual personalities. Maj. Gen. Jody A. Merritt in the link above is likely under Tavistock-like designed psychological programming and has no idea she's a cult member working for people and forces beyond her conscious understanding. She probably feels that her attitudes and positions are normal, not freakish like so many of these military people. There's programming custom designed for Rhodes scholars, for politicians, for military personnel, so they can go to bed at night thinking they're doing great things for the world and not for America as this Venezuelan gang starts infiltrating America (also see Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field).

Controversial trading issues and agreements

Editor's note: Here is another reason Russia will never return the Kuril Islands (a win-win solution is out of the question) to Japan despite years of ongoing negotiations. If China is Japan's biggest trading partner why would the Japanese allow these controversial missile systems to be placed in Japan that further antagonize Russia and China? That was a rhetorical question considering Japan as a US vassal state. The US is currently building up a large military capability in the Pacific using Japan and the Philippines as proxies similar to how the US is using Ukraine in its ongoing proxy war against Russia. This is how empires operate. Many Japanese were invested in the US chip manufacturer Nvidia. The US cut off Nvidia chip exports to China and as a result many Japanese holding Nvidia stock took a huge loss. This chip ban could cost Nvidia $12 billion in lost sales.

US Wants To Deploy Controversial Missile System to Japan

WYSIWYG? Or.... ?

The Japanese Way

By Julian MacFarlane | September 6, 2024

To understand a government, you must understand the culture from which it springs and the history of that culture — which determines the evolution of traditions, ideas, values and ways of thinking.

In the case of American government, for example, you must go back in time, perhaps as far as the Greeks and Romans. and trace the course of evolution, just as paleontologists try to do with H. Sapiens and our predecessors back to the beginning.

Primal Politician (click to view image)

Friday, September 6, 2024

We are being set up...

Editor's note: prepare yourselves because America is being taken to the far Christian Reich and these monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the Abrahamic religions, are going to find themselves slitting each others throats on their road to perdition fulfilling their eschatological road to hell on Earth. How are we to make sense of any of this? Candace Owens is married to George Farmer. George Farmer (alleged Catholic) is the son of Michael Farmer, a British businessman and alleged devout born-again Christian. Both Candace Owens and Rabbi Schmuley are interviewed by the British Piers Morgan. Read what a viewer said about this interview: "This Rabbi Boteach is a real supremacist, racist, scumbag-runt who loves spewing his Satanic Judaism. Ms. Owens slaps his creepy, lying, terrorist face." Satanic Judaism? People do not comprehend what Satan means. The Christian interpretation is causing an incomprehensible apocalyptic reaction while the entire Jewish history is fabricated biblical insanity (a trained classicist knows ancient Greek trumps Hebrew). That is exactly the response needed to inflame everyone involved. Now set this in the context of the British MI6 being behind organizing and originally structuring Hamas and we can see a toxic cocktail is being brewed here by the British hand to set these monotheistic religions up for a final disastrous showdown. 

US military psychological operations taking on a world-wide role are getting out of hand

Editor's note: As the US is now going after foreign media sources to shut down all discourse and have returned to the "Russian interference in US elections" (also see Russian election interference scheme targeted US military competency) again to accomplish this, have a look at what the US military (Pentagon) is involved in overseas (linked article). This news report came out of Turkey where two US Marines were assaulted by a group of young Turkish people involved with a "nationalist group" with strong anti-American sentiments. And what's wrong with being a nationalist? Although Turkey is a secular state, understand that Islam is the country's most common religion. Remember this as the Christian Reich is in the ascendency in America standing behind Israel. Turkey has also made it known it is interested in joining BRICS.

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too

Wall Street gets richer. Main Street gets poorer.

Editor's note: You are being replaced and your homes are being taken from you. The only remedy in this predator and prey ecosphere is a genuine populist monetary reform movement that sweeps America leaving differences aside in an agitated potentially violent highly politicized population. These types of financial and economic circumstances always lead to violence. These transnational corporations and central bankers' prefer communism because communism eviscerates the middle class with these corporations not having to be concerned about pesky bothersome consumers in homogenous global markets. Replacement is the ideal and preferred method. There is no longer any concept of capitalism or democracy remaining with governments being mostly privatized. What we are witnessing here is the cabal seeking global government possibly ruled from Jerusalem (see Zionism is a Masonic "British" Imperialist corporate fascist strateg) that has been scheming to stain national offices and institutions as much as possible in order to abolish them (national sovereignty), and replace them within continental bureaucracies/ control structures (regional governance).

Great Replacement Theory

September 6, 2024 | Administrator

In this warped world we live in today, this horrific employment report is applauded by the ruling class who own all the stocks. They see the destruction of the middle class and millions of American citizens falling further into poverty as a huge positive for their net worth. Their puppet Powell now has a narrative where he can cut interest rates by 50 basis points this month. Wall Street gets richer. Main Street gets poorer.

Don't you love how tens of thousands of jobs reported in prior months are just disappeared a month later. It’s all fake. They never make the error in the other direction. Jobs are always over-estimated because the regime needs you to remain sedated, while they pillage and loot your wealth.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Another AR-15 strike at the FBI's bowling alley

Editor's note: Another "strike" at the FBI's private bowling alley lanes this time in Georgia. The FBI didn't have this kid in their "radar" for over a year. The FBI had him in their bowling alley. And to think the US congress and senate members have no idea the FBI is setting up "bowling pins" ("pinsetters") so the FBI gets to knock them down? This isn't disgraceful. This is what you would call a scientific dictatorship where these mass shootings with a real component attached are designed for a specific political objective. Can you believe this kid's name? "Colt" Gray? Maybe his parents gave him the middle name of "AR-15?" Here is an update on how the FBI gaslights the American people: FBI Assures Public The Next Ten Mass Shooters Are Also On Their Radar.

Once again, disgraceful FBI had yet another deadly school shooter on their 'radar' for over a year

By revolver | September 5, 2024

Here we are again—another school shooter on a deadly rampage, and once more, we learn that the disgraceful FBI not only had prior knowledge of Colt Gray but even interviewed him and his father after disturbing social media posts came to light and anonymous tips came in about the troubled teen.

Washington Post:

The US and Ukraine just signed their death warrant with Russia

Editor's note: The Russians are now going to literally slaughter Ukrainians and there is no going back as the US proxies in Kiev collapse. The US and their proxies in Kiev passed their own"red lines." If you are a foreign mercenary fighting for NATO-Kiev as their paid bitches get out because thousands of Russians are now enraged. It is news like this the west cannot afford to be leaked out which is why the US is now going after RT (also see US Justice Department reveals legal action against RT). This story was witnessed and sourced from: Ukrainian troops filmed torturing Russian soldier (GRAPHIC VIDEO). Let's be frank: Why don't Macron and Zelensky just fuck each other in public?

Who wants to do a pledge of allegiance to the flag?

Editor's note: The CIA was originated by bankers going back to Allen Dulles at Sullivan & Cromwell. The CIA's mission is to extend the world-wide reach of the US dollar, the US military to back the dollar and US transnational corporations. That's the bottom line. Any interference or interlopers in this predator and prey ecosphere get killed, their countries destroyed and their resources outright stolen. Would you like to do business with America? Over one million Ukrainian soldiers have now died for the US empire. The Russians are annihilating Ukrainian soldiers and it is being documented daily. When there are no more cannon fodder Ukrainian soldiers left are Americans going to meet Russians in eastern Ukraine?

"How I got fired from the CIA": Career Ops Officer tells all

CovertAction Bulletin: CIA Whistleblower John Stockwell Spills the Beans

Who Wants to Kill and Die for the American Empire?

By Nicolas J. S. Davies | September 05, 2024

The Associated Press reports that many of the recruits drafted under Ukraine's new conscription law lack the motivation and military indoctrination required to actually aim their weapons and fire at Russian soldiers.

"Some people don't want to shoot. They see the enemy in the firing position in trenches but don't open fire. … That is why our men are dying," said a frustrated battalion commander in Ukraine’s 47th Brigade. "When they don't use the weapon, they are ineffective."

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Pulling the plug on western industrial economies

Editor's note: Has anyone else noticed despite global warming being a completely fraudulent elitist construct western countries are being shut down? Toss Japan into that same group as a US vassal state as Japan's steel industry has now been undercut by China's steel industry. The west again proves that its "virtue-signaling" leftists plan to "save the planet" despite EV policy making little sense. As far as Germany is concerned forget it. Germany is not industrially recoverable at this point. The "greenies" and leftists in the German state media (government by media) have gone so far as to creating a game that reflects "deniers" as villains. And in Britain rather than the "pursuit of excellence", the British are seeing the excellent pursuit of expensive wind farms. The transnational global corporate elite in the west are intentionally shutting down industrial economies and it has nothing to do with "global warming." Something else is going on here at a far deeper level than most are aware of. This deindustrialization going "net zero" also means getting shoved down our throats insects as a source of protein. And in America? If Americans feel their homeland is being turned into a "wasteland" they are correct.

Start 'Em Young: Government Climate Alarmists Brainwashing Kids to Comply With Green Tyranny

by Ramon Tomey | September 2, 2024

(Natural News)—Climate alarmists in the federal government are now brainwashing children with an "inescapable death spiral" if they do not comply with green tyranny.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on this matter, citing the Climate Kids webpage operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). While the webpage includes educational materials and activities for children, it also parrots talking points from the climate alarmists. These include claims like "the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming," "sea levels are rising" and "global ice coverage is diminishing."

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The South China Sea Incident

Editor's note: Like Ukraine as a US proxy against Russia, the Philippines is now being used as a proxy against China in the South China Sea. The Philippine military leadership as a US proxy have probably been instructed by the US to antagonize China's shipping in the South China Sea to increase tensions. This is ostensibly to "protect the sovereignty of the Philippines." There have been no problems between China and the Philippines for decades and now suddenly the US shows up in the Philippines and controversy erupts between China and the Philippines? It is like waiting for another Gulf of Tonkin incident to take place. This time it will be the South China Sea incident. Honestly, who gives a shit about the sovereignty of Philippines when the US is being internally destroyed by foreign invaders?

"Our Patience Has Its Limits" – China Tells the Philippines to Stop Attacking Ships, Tells US Terrorists Not to Try

Ominous-looking graphs

Editor's note: Usury rips the fabric of society and generates deep divisions that have no right to be present in this predator and prey ecosphere (see global predators). How can there be a functional and harmonious society when relative monetary stability keeps getting sabotaged by a demon-possessed cabal that has hijacked the financial system and seeks to plunder in perpetuity, through the generations? That situation cannot be permitted to exist: it enslaves usurer and usuree, to the detriment of everyone in society. Circumstances in America are now so volatile this maybe the last election in 2024.

Three Megabanks Had Loans Outstanding of $1.832 Trillion to Giant Hedge Funds on March 31

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens | September 3, 2024 ~

The Office of Financial Research (OFR), the federal agency created after the 2008 financial collapse on Wall Street to defog the lenses of federal regulators to prevent a replay of that disaster, has posted frightening graphs on its website as part of its "Hedge Fund Monitor."

Particularly alarming is the overall takeaway that the U.S. megabanks that are receiving federal deposit insurance that is backstopped by hardworking and law-abiding U.S. taxpayers, are using their lending ability to make massive loans to dodgy, giant hedge funds that are regularly found to be on the wrong side of the law and/or engaging in wildly risky behavior.

Up in flames for monotheism

Editor's note: Isn't this just wonderful. The monotheistic religion of Islam burns down a church of the other monotheistic religion of Christianity. Or, the monotheistic religion Judaism used the monotheistic religion of Islam as a proxy to burn down a church of the monotheistic religion of Christianity. This is what happens after centuries of populations being enslaved by Abrahamic religions causing trauma-based societies. There are thousands of men in Britain with their monotheistic religion of Islam who want to conquer Britain for their religion. These Islamic monotheistic death cultists even have rape gangs used to enforce their monotheistic beliefs onto British women. A monotheistic Islamic death cultist pulls out a knife in Germany and starts randomly stabbing people. There are a people in the Middle East with a falsified history literally killing off thousands of Palestinians for their monotheistic religion with their God of war Yahweh. The racist Yahweh's vengeance: Collective punishment. It is beyond trauma. It is totally fucking insane what we are seeing.

Immaculate Conception Church Burns in France – Latest Catholic Church to Go Up in Flames – Bell Tower Collapses in Inferno (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

September 3, 2024 | Australian National Review

The Church of the Immaculate Conception in Saint Omer, also known as the Church of the Haut-Pont went up in flames on Sunday night.

The church was inaugurated in 1859. It was restored and reopened in 2018. The church was known for its neo-Gothic furnishings.

Monday, September 2, 2024

You have a decision to make

Editor's note: What did we learn from Thomas Jefferson who studied and spoke Greek concerning democracy and governments? From the Greeks through to Thomas Jefferson "government was sacred." You are the republic ONLY if you self-govern. In this sense you as the individual are sacred. What did Jefferson learn from the Greek concept of democracy? In order to keep government sacred a blood sacrifice would be required. The blood of tyrants. Today, we have a government by corporations, pederasty and the media enforced by the FBI, the CIA, the DoJ and the DHS. None of these mostly federally subcontracted corporations can exist when government is held sacred or when citizens are self-governing individual republics. The tyrants would have been killed off a long time ago in "blood sacrifices" to preserve the sacredness of government and therefore the individual. America as a republic today is so far removed from reality that leftists have become the self-appointed Gods and Goddesses from antiquity anointed in drugs, sex, pharmacological attacks, ideological toxicity, pederasty, political violence, extreme nihilism and hyper narcissism - and they want to govern. Trump is being offered to the republic as a sort of sacrifice as the "last chance." 

RED ALERT: Democrat-Run Communist Takeover Plot To Unleash Bolshevik Violence After Election Day If Trump Wins

September 2, 2024 | by State of the Nation



How the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 one-two punch is being used as the blueprint for the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic and 2025 Communist Revolution in the USA.

Three Branches of the US Government: Corporations, Pederasty and the Media

Editor's note: Why is that? Why has pederasty been so deeply embedded inside the US and its institutions? From a scientific point of view can a reasonable explanation be provided? Pederasty has been with cultures since the time of the Greeks. The Greek language in highly accurate translations describe pedophilia in ways that would shock most people especially Christians. Maybe Christianity and Christians missed the boat entirely on interpreting pedophilia? Christians would suggest that Christianity tried to end pedophilia but the historical record with accurate translations of Greek does not bare that idea out. History which really means "inquiry" often turns out to be ugly, nasty and to most people today shocking in its brutality that most go into cognitive dissonance when confronted with different sources of knowledge for the first time. Are most people honest with themselves in this culture of deceit, extreme narcissism and arrogance? No. Would you like to be introduced to the real Jesus? WARNING: DO NOT go here unless you are mentally prepared and honest with yourself: Sacred Sodomy: Church Cover-Up Exposed. Hail Satan.
US Is #1 Consumer of Child Porn Videos, #1 Demand for Child Sex in the World

Pedophilia is the Power Behind the Deep State

"If you've ever wondered why there are so many traitors on both sides of the political aisle, now you know. The blackmailers have nearly everyone in public office in this country by the balls."

September 1, 2024 | by Mike Stone

What does pedophilia have to do with the current state of the world?

The answer is everything. Pedophilia, child rape, and child sacrifice are the glue that holds the entire Deep State together. Virtually everyone on the Democratic side of the scale is involved, along with a large portion of people on the Republican side. (Check out the allegations against the Bush family and especially against Mike Pence during his time as the Governor of Indiana. You'll be shocked to the core.)

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Clueless bozos in a clown world

Editor's note: You've been warned. These bozos in our clown world are a military along with the FBI front organization designed "to control and blackwash the opposition." Read more from the essay linked below then tell your friends. Write a letter to your congress member and ask them wtf is up? Americans can do better than this. Make Thomas Jefferson proud. He read and spoke Greek and knew the score about what democracy really meant from its Greek origins. Most of the FBI and likely all of the military who set this nonsense up are clueless about the Greek origins. Hint: What was Jefferson referring to as a "blood sacrifice being required?" These bozos are clueless.

Patriot Front infiltrated by FBI? No

What are the Japanese up to?

Editor's note: Here is more on the US's obedient child in the Pacific this time related to more Covid injections. It is difficult getting a grasp on what Japan's political and corporate class are planning. Despite the mounting opposition in Japan by the Japanese people to the Covid injections foisted on them, Japan is now going to introduce into their population what are being referred to as "self-replicating vaccines" that use a "self-amplifying RNA as its antigenic component." The vaccines are loaded with what are called "replicons" and are "derived from viruses, such as alphaviruses." But then we have seen we've been conned by science (see essay below on how the US controls the Science Council of Japan) on what viruses are so what is Japan up to? If the "vaccine paradigm has collapsed," why are the Japanese continuing? Are the Japanese slated for extinction with Japan being a completely captured country by the pharmaceutical cartels? The republished essay gives us another look at the dark underworld of Japan very well hidden from the millions of tourists converging on Japan every month. The media, press and television in Japan are a wasteland of banality.

Self-replicating vaccines due to be rolled out next month in Japan could result in a worldwide disaster

GHQ's Press Code and Japan: Then and Now

September 1, 2024 | By Jason Morgan

The United States advertises itself as the "land of the free." When it fights wars, it boasts of bringing to others the freedom its citizens enjoy. But does this hold true in reality? When the United States fought the Empire of Japan in the middle of the twentieth century, Washington brought, not freedom to an unfree country, but unfreedom to the free. It accomplished this, in part, through the censorship regime which Washington imposed on Japan in the postwar (Yamamoto Taketoshi 2013). One aspect of this censorship regime was the press code.
Looking into our circumstances...