Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Your healthcare is now the responsibility of the US military...

Editor's note: if you don't take responsibility for your own health in all of its complex facets the US military damn sure will considering healthcare is around 1/4th of the US GDP. The US State Department presently run by Antony Blinken is an extension of the US military - so is your healthcare. The Covid attack on civilization with the subsequent jabs were a DoD operation.

The Public Health Insurgency

By Vicky Davis | October 15, 2024

By now, anybody who doesn't understand that the United Nations is trying to stand up as a world governing body is either brain dead or invincibly ignorant – meaning they choose not to see. The U.S. State Department has been the two-headed beast that put us in this position and it needs to have a wooden stake driven through its heart. Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt agreed to the idea of a united nations organization as the U.S. was about to enter World War II. It was through the U.S. State Department along with their British counterparts that have been carrying out the plan since the signing of the Atlantic Charter. As a result, the State Department has been setting both foreign and domestic policy ever since.

These black-hearted communist bastards couldn't come through the front door for their world government scheme. The front door being the political system. Instead, they went through the back door of functional policy. Functional policy would be protection of the environment of which we are all a part and public health which is a function of the environment. The public health aspect of it became apparent during the COVID Scamdemic as public health officials in the U.S. tried to scare everybody into submission. They did a pretty good job of getting submission from the majority of people – but not everybody. The ones who refused are the hard-core resisters to tyranny.

The Public Health Service is a branch of the military – no matter that they are embedded – hidden – in a civilian agency of government. They are still military and every one of them involved in this Scamdemic and attempted coup d'etat should be court martialed – including the civilian leadership that kicked it off.

The Public Health Coup d'etat

U.S. Public Health Commissioned Corps HISTORY.

As you analyze the shit show that the U.S. has become, look for the collectors of statistics and for the finger prints of Public Health.

The Public Health Menace – see background of John Agwunobi. Agwunobi was the germ cell from Florida that was embedded in HHS.

Department of Health Security? SHUT THESE ANIMALS DOWN !!!!



There is a difference between "the DOD" and "the Department of Defense":

International Public Notice: Red Herrings and Green Snakes

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