Sunday, October 13, 2024

America is now in "uncontrolled chaos" on its descent down...

Editor's note: ...except for advanced weapon manufacturing for the "deep state." Is the title histrionics or hyperbole? We'll see. Voting for Kamal Harris or Donald Trump (circus animals passing as leaders) is not going to change America's direction 180 degrees going from its current state where the US government no longer has any credibility (intentional) to an economically sound and "free" nation. Your best option at this point is to vote for yourself. Here are a few partially republished articles that may give readers a better frame of reference on the reality that is America today. The question was raised and rightfully so, "where are the men in America?" The Jewish Neocon William Kristol had a point whether you disagree with him or not. Kristol thinks the American white male are fat, dumb, lazy and happy and need replacement by mass migration into America. All you have to do to confirm this is to watch the fanboys (brainwashed pussies) at professional faked and staged NFL football entertainment games. The NFL football fanboys even fight with each other in the stands while "their country" literally goes to shit in a hand basket with the US military used to protect Israel more than the US.

Is There Hope for the US?

October 13, 2024 | by Jeff Thomas

For the entire lives of anyone under the age of seventy-five, the US has been at the top of the heap in almost every way. For decades, it had greater freedom, greater prosperity and higher production than any other country in the world.

America was a cornucopia – the centre for innovation and trends in technology, the arts and social development. And today, many Americans, even if they complain about changes for the worse in their country, come back quickly to say, "This is still the greatest country in the world." Or, "Everybody is still trying to come here."

Well, truth be told, neither of these knee-jerk comments is accurate any longer. But even those who have come to that realisation tend to resort to the inevitable fall-back comment: "Well, whattaya gonna do? It's just as bad everyplace else."

And yet, this is also inaccurate. Throughout the history of the world, whenever a country had entered its decline stage, others were in the process of rising up.

And this is just as true today. There are countries where prosperity and production are far greater than in the US and, increasingly, countries where the key ingredient that made America great – Liberty – is present to a far greater degree.

In fact, this is the one characteristic of America that's most rapidly in decline. This was especially true in 2020, when a virus was used as a justification to dramatically increase governmental dominance of the populace.

It matters little whether the US had a hand in creating the virus, or whether it was merely co-opted as an opportunity to expand control.

The result has been heavy-handed governmental meddling in medicine, business and personal freedoms.

As regards the latter concern, the odd halfway measure of personal movement control is not great enough to keep a virus from spreading, but it has been sufficient to collapse businesses, create record unemployment and make it impossible for some people to feed themselves.

In the bargain, it has served as an ideal cover story for an economic collapse that had been inevitable. The government can say, "Don't blame us for the collapse; it was those naughty Chinese and their pesky virus that did it."

The decline is not an accident. It's a planned demolition. And it's going well. For those who actually pull the strings, profit will be made from the crisis. Not for everyone, of course, but most certainly for those few who are creating it.

But many say that the US is waking up, that its citizenry are coming to the conclusion that the Deep State – that corporatist ruling class that are made up of governmental and big-business leaders – has increasingly destroyed the prosperity, production and liberty that once existed and replaced them with massive debt, an exit of production to other countries and a vanishing middle class.

Please go to The International Man to continue reading.


October 11, 2024 | By Andrei Martyanov

This acronym strikes terror into the hearts of Russia's enemies.

The acronym stands for Uralvagonzavod--literally Ural Railcars Works. And, boy, look at them those "railcars" produced in the city of Nizhny Tagil.

Not only those "railcars", starting from legendary T-34s, first of which rolled off the conveyor in 1941, to T-72s to T-90M Proryv, continue to roll off assembly lines today, but UVZ produced now undeniably the best tanks in the world--real combat in SMO left no doubts about it. Moreover, Russia is unbeatable in terms of quality and numbers of these tanks produced. By a mile, more than whole NATO combined. Today, UVZ celebrates its 88th anniversary. These are state-of-the-art, netcentric tanks which are capable to take on any self-proclaimed "best" Western tanks and defeat them, in fact--they did it many times already.

Dmitry Orlov in his latest, symptomatically titled Uncontrolled Chaos, notes today:
It was a disaster 80 years in the making. At the end of World War II, the United States stood virtually alone as an economic power. Accounting for 50 percent of global GDP, it held 80% of the world's hard currency reserves. Fast-forward to 2024 and the share of the US in the world economy has shrunk to 14.76% (calculated from figures provided by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund). But even this number is misleading, for fully 20% of the US economy is made of what goes under the acronym FIRE: finance, insurance and real estate. These are unproductive parasites on the productive economy. Another unproductive parasite is health care: ridiculously overpriced, it amounts to almost a quarter of all spending in the US.

Neither the resources consumed by FIRE, nor by health care spending, contribute much of anything to the standing of the US within the world economy. Adjusted for these, the US share of the world economy dwindles to just over 8%. While hardly negligible, this share is nowhere near sufficient to give the US anything like a majority vote or veto power in world affairs. The tragedy of the situation is that the mindset of Americans, particularly those occupying positions of authority in Washington, has been unable to adapt to this development. Their mindset appears to be fixed for all time: they believe that they can still dictate terms to the whole world and finding it increasingly awkward to cover up for the fact that almost the whole world (with some notable exceptions) now feels free to ignore them. Here, you can see yourself overwhelmingly non-productive nature of the US economy.
Get it? They consider a third world economy "based on services" a sign of a "developed nation". No wonder, when one looks at such "developed nations" like UK or Germany which increasingly look like a third world. Which also explains why the US is incapable of producing a new Main Battle Tank, with the reputation (primarily through Hollywood and propaganda) being blown up to smithereens by good ol' UVZ's T-72. Remember this?

Well, in related news... Another SSK of pr. 636 Yakutsk (for Pacific Fleet) was floated today.

But, but, I am sure that capitalization of the St.Petersburg's Admiralty Wharfs which builds those subs is nowhere near the capitalization of any business consulting company in the US. Hey, what do those losers at UVZ have on this monster--they'll tell you how to run business, right? Right?

America's most vexing problem right now is its US military (corporate mercenaries) and the Pentagon that controls pretty much most of the US economy. As long as this endemically corrupt monstrosity has a grip on the throat of Americans there is little to be expected for a return to a thriving prosperous economy for America let alone a return to individual rights. As the US military and the Pentagon continue to be forced out of global affairs, they have been increasingly turning on the American people. The only profit margins for the US at this point are weapon sales (money laundering into Israel) where Lockheed Martin F35 aircraft flown by Israeli pilots are dropping expensive US-manufactured munitions on Gaza and Lebanon turning buildings into powdered concrete. Who does Milley answer to?

The Pentagon and the corporate hierarchy behind the Pentagon have only one predetermined all encompassing goal: advanced weapon systems development. Anything beyond this is extraneous peripheral incentive. It is almost primordial how the US military and the Pentagon have no allegiance to anything except its own survival.

This is how US weapon manufacturers with the US State Department being an extension of the Pentagon profit:

Pay the devil: How the US will force Europe to pay for its military industrial complex

The Bolsheviks and cultural Marxists have destroyed US corporate entities like FEMA:

Feminism should have recognized the problem isn't women being held down, but an attempt to destroy the very ancient wisdom that had been produced through the feminine body. And now we see diversity destroying society and institutions in revenge by women who are not capable:

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