Tuesday, October 8, 2024

AI will redirect billions of dollars and it won't be in your direction

Editor's note: Sam Altman (out of Stanford where DARPA hands technology to people like Altman) is Jewish. Are you starting to get it by now? These people working inside big tech have no qualms about fucking you over despite their superficial claims of altruism "keeping humanity safe." The average person online "getting MKUltra programmed on their blue screens" using AI technology are using it to acquire loot in an endless array of marketing schemes. The maker of ChatGPT (Elon Musk was a cofounder of Open AI) promised to share its profits with the public. But Sam Altman just sold you out:

OpenAI as we knew it is dead

Grok a Crock

A.I. Cannot be trusted for accurate information, ever.

October 9, 2024 | By John C. Dvorak

While researching for No Agenda Show 1701 (a coincident Star Trek reference), I wanted to know if Captain Kirk was ever a Commodore. This was in hopes of coinciding with a special show promotion where the show was conferring Commodore titles on generous producers.

I have used the Twitter AI dubbed "Grok" a few times to find out a fact or two without slogging through the results of search engine. I thought it was a good idea at the time.

Now I am not so sure.

First, regarding Captain Kirk, I queried the product with various forms of the question and discovered that no two answers were alike or even similar. Here are the results:

Please click here to view image.

Please click here to view image.

That's a lot of discrepant answers. Do I now have to go back and watch each of these episodes to figure out whether these answers are correct?

From my memory I recall that Kirk may have been a Commodore before he raced off on the U.S.S Enterprise in the first Star Trek movie. The rest, I am not so sure, and neither is Grok from the looks of it.

Then I decided to continue the experiment by asking Grok the exact same question over and over. I assumed that if I ask question A and get a result B, that if I asked A again I'd get the same answer B again. This is folly. AI does not like to be consistent, it seems. In fact, the variations are ludicrous. Look at these results.

Please go to The Oasis to continue reading.

More insights on how AI is a big scam:

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