Monday, October 14, 2024

Are you tired of looking at the world through a Jewish lens?

Editor's note: Who else is tired of looking through a Jewish lens to understand the world we live in that in more cases than not is a created illusion? This blog has linked numerous articles to the ex-banker and Jewish Ron Unz at The Unz Review, not because of Unz himself but because of the authors he hosts on his site. There are only a couple of paragraphs of Unz's article republished here but readers are encouraged to go to Unz's site and go through the article reading with particular focus on Unz's critique or review of the work of Miles Mathis whose essays we have posted to this blog. Then go to the linked essay here written by Miles Mathis in rebuttal to Ron Unz. Have fun: 

Ronald Keeva Unz

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper, Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4 • 1h28m

By Ron Unz | October 14, 2024 | 270 Comments

I've always enjoyed solving historical puzzles and figuring out what really happened, but I’d never had the slightest interest in conspiracy theories, which I'd always dismissed as nonsense. As a consequence, I’d spent nearly my entire life never doubting nor questioning the broad sweep of our last century of world history, as had been so conveniently presented to me in all my academic courses, books, magazines, and newspapers.

But in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, I gradually became increasingly suspicious of the credibility of the mainstream media sources that I had always relied upon for my knowledge of the world.

This first became apparent to me during the anthrax mailings that followed so soon after the terrorist attacks themselves, a wave of envelopes filled with deadly spores that so terrified our entire country and stampeded Congress into passing the controversial Patriot Act curtailing our traditional liberties. For many weeks, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and our other most influential national newspapers always presented one version of those events, while very different and far more extensive information was regularly published by the perfectly respectable journalists who worked for much smaller outlets such as the Hartford Courant and Salon, publications much less under the total sway of top government officials. A year ago I recapitulated and analyzed that very strange history.
Ron Unz • The Unz Review • October 17, 2023 • 10,100 Words
My growing doubts about our media soon became even more serious as the Neocon-dominated Bush Administration moved our country towards its disastrous Iraq War, successfully using its media allies to convince nearly 70% of the American public that Saddam Hussein had been a key figure behind that unprecedented terrorist attack on America.

About a decade later in 2013 I described my outrage that our leading media publications had so easily allowed themselves to be manipulated on a matter so important to our national security
The circumstances surrounding our Iraq War demonstrate this, certainly ranking it among the strangest military conflicts of modern times. The 2001 attacks in America were quickly ascribed to the radical Islamists of al-Qaeda, whose bitterest enemy in the Middle East had always been Saddam Hussein’s secular Baathist regime in Iraq. Yet through misleading public statements, false press leaks, and even forged evidence such as the "yellowcake" documents, the Bush administration and its neoconservative allies utilized the compliant American media to persuade our citizens that Iraq’s nonexistent WMDs posed a deadly national threat and required elimination by war and invasion. Indeed, for several years national polls showed that a large majority of conservatives and Republicans actually believed that Saddam was the mastermind behind 9/11 and the Iraq War was being fought as retribution. Consider how bizarre the history of the 1940s would seem if America had attacked China in retaliation for Pearl Harbor.

True facts were easily available to anyone paying attention in the years after 2001, but most Americans do not bother and simply draw their understanding of the world from what they are told by the major media, which overwhelmingly—almost uniformly—backed the case for war with Iraq; the talking heads on TV created our reality. Prominent journalists across the liberal and conservative spectrum eagerly published the most ridiculous lies and distortions passed on to them by anonymous sources, and stampeded Congress down the path to war.
Once again, the only contrary skepticism of Saddam's non-existent WMDs came from much smaller media outlets such as the Knight-Ridder chain of newspapers, less totally dependent upon the regular leaks and favors provided by senior administration officials. More than two decades after those events, I only recently discovered that Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, longtime chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, had been the individual responsible for leaking the true facts to those journalists, presumably after having failed to attract any interest from reporters at the New York Times or our other leading newspapers.

Please go to The Unz Review to continue reading.


The Weinstein brothers are Jewish. The researcher of this author did not mention this irregardless if they work for the City of London or not:

"A Republic if we can Phoenix it" - Bret Weinstein’s Tavistock Cure to Save the “Demented” West by Burning the Village to Save the Village

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