Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Pentagon wants to crawl inside your brain

Editor's note: Get ready because videos and pictures lie if this hasn't already been ascertained while getting your news fix. How do you convince your opposition and opponents you are correct and in the right? Make shit up. It is currently being done through AI and is being refined all the time where no one will be able to tell the difference between the real and the made up (AI created). Why is the Pentagon going to rely on AI? Because the US military is determined to "master the human domain." That's a terrifying thought. When you consider human behavioral aspects of those behind this technology it really is human-generated demonic entities. Psychopaths if you will. Mass digital control systems, e.g. electronic surveillance and digital targeting.  The hidden goal is omnicide and just to be clear; it is not merely geopolitical domination by any given clique. Criminal vicious insanity undergirds dark political machinations. That's what most people refuse to accept. The Pentagon is no different. If you don't think the Pentagon can't "master the human domain" think again because the Pentagon runs Silicone Valley:

How the Pentagon built Silicon Valley

Pentagon wants better AI tools to enhance its online fakes – report

October 18, 2024 | By RT

The DoD's Special Operations Command is seeking advanced technology to deploy falsified human behavior, according to The Intercept

The Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) wants better tools that can fabricate a living person's online footprint using advanced generative technologies, The Intercept reported on Thursday, citing a procurement document.

The unclassified wishlist for acquisitions expresses interest in producing fake imagery, including that of humans with different facial expressions, virtual environments, and "selfie videos" that can withstand scrutiny by social media algorithms and real humans. The solutions should also provide audio layers specific for locations of simulated footage.

The Pentagon's use of fake online personas, or "sock puppets," dates back at least over a decade. Such digital constructs are used to spread American propaganda, shape or falsify public opinion, and to collect intelligence, according to media reports.

Earlier this year, Reuters exposed a US military operation to undermine public trust in a Chinese vaccine against Covid-19 in the Philippines, a country Washington wants to keep in its orbit while curbing Beijing's regional influence.

Read more MI5 blames Russia for 'mayhem on the streets' [Editor's note: Once again the British making up more bullshit accusations]

In 2022, The Pentagon ordered a review of its psychological warfare operations, after social media giants Facebook and Twitter (now X) reported detecting and banning dozens of bots operated by US Central Command.

The US government has regularly accused its geopolitical rivals, including China, Russia and Iran, of conducting "malign influence operations" online using AI-generated content. Among other forms of meddling, foreign governments were alleged to be influencing elections in the US.

The purported methods resemble what The New York Times described in June when it exposed an Israeli influence operation targeting American citizens. The campaign, sponsored by Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, used AI-generated content to boost narratives favorable to the close US ally, the report claimed.

Please go to RT to continue reading.

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