Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Nobody gives a flying f*ck about Germany now

Editor's note: Germany is gone and there is no going back. Germany knows the US was behind one of the biggest acts of industrial terrorism in the past century blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines although the Germans did nothing about it. The general reality is the Russians could give a "flying fuck if Germany ceases to exist tomorrow." Lady Justice has been vanquished from the west a long time ago leaving these countries in the hands of psychopathic predators in this predator and prey ecosphere. The voices (the Muses) of young girls who lived in Athenian history sung songs of natural justice represented by the Kore. They were the "bloom of life" and were a source of veneration in Athenian life. They have been silenced forever in Germany. Themis' voice was of divine cosmic justice to triumph over the "Earth-born monster of self-worship and greed." The Germans should know better. They were some of the best philologists in the world of ancient Greek.

German Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Persecution in Prison

Today, Germany has become Neo-Nazi on steroids


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You may find this harrowing, as it must be for Reiner. He has now been in solitary confinement in prison for over one year, with no sign of an actual trial taking place. I’m afraid he must be considered a political prisoner and one the perpetrators intend to keep locked up indefinitely. - Dr. Mike Yeadon

By Reiner Fuellmich and Peter Koenig Global Research, October 14, 2024

Introduction by Peter Koenig

13 October 2024 will be the first anniversary of Reiner Fuellmich's pre-trial prison custody. His conditions, especially for someone who has not committed and is not suspected of a criminal act of violence are, to say it benignly, horrendous, bordering on torture.

Let me remind you, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in 2020 founded the Corona Investigative Committee (CIC) in Germany, investigating the worldwide corona fraud. In a CIC internal strife, probably instigated from outside forces and secret services, he was unjustly accused of embezzlement. The CIC collapsed. Dr. Fuellmich attempted to return to California, where he had a license to practice law and where he also owned a house.

For some "bureaucratic" formalities (cooperation secret services Germany-US), he was “temporarily” refused entry to the US. He then settled with his wife in Mexico, where he created the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), and continued investigating crimes committed by the covid scam, as well as related social and economic misconducts by those who dictated the “rules-based order”, overriding all international, national and local laws.

In March 2023, the German Government issued an arrest warrant for Dr. Fuellmich. Since he had not committed a violent crime, an extradition order has no value outside of the EU / Schengen countries.

Therefore, the German Government – through their secret agents – lured him to a German representation in Mexico, where they kidnapped him on 12 October 2023, took him immediately – as is, without a change of clothes, or even a toothbrush – to the airport, and flew him between two German guards to Frankfurt, where he was immediately arrested on 13 October 2023. Ever since, Reiner has been in pre-trial custody, under the most inhumane conditions, in the Göttingen high-security prison in Rosdorf.

Pretrial custody is on average six months in Germany, at most 11 months. He is detained in solitary confinement, cannot see and talk to anyone, not to his fellow prisoners, must walk alone for his daily hour of exercise in the prison yard, and can have contact by phone or visits by his family for no more than three hours a month.

For every court appearance, Reiner is body-searched, then handcuffed, tightly foot-shackled, and accompanied by two fully machine-gun armed prison guards with bulletproof vests – as if he was a mass murderer.

He is shackled and body-searched, naked, every time the court interrupts, and he is led to an isolated basement room of the court to wait.

This deeply dehumanizing humiliation reminds of German concentration camps during Hitler's Third Reich regime over 80 years back.

One would think that humanity has learned from the horrors of WWII, but nada, zilch, nothing.

Humanity is led by the same inhumane monsters; except much worse today.

Then, the Third Reich was confined to Europe and North Africa; today, the New World Order or One World Order – one that wants to become One World Government, for which Germany is again playing a leading role, spans the entire globe, all 193 UN member countries.

There is seemingly no way to escape.

But as history has shown time and time again, any system of excesses, be it injustice no end, war atrocities, abhorrent dehumanization with torture, corruption and genocide no limits, will fall. There is no doubt that the diabolical Cult that allows Germany to hold an honest citizen in such atrocious prison conditions, wants to scare and shut up any others that may speak up against the crimes committed, and are still being committed, by the German Government, and by association, other western governments.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a western world political prisoner.

Reiner's description, illustrations and photos speak for themselves.

Please go to Exposing the darkness to continue reading.

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