Tuesday, October 8, 2024

#WeAreFEMA - Do people at the bottom know what the people are doing at the top...

Editor's note: ...and do people at the top know what people are doing on the bottom? Listen to Jeremy L Greenberg who is Director for FEMA's Operations Division give a PR sales job on FEMA'S responsibilities while FEMA has been accused of interfering in the delivery of private aid being delivered to North Carolina. FEMA has been accused of interfering in the delivery of private aid to victims of Hurricane Helene because this aid allegedly "risks losing kickbacks from FEMA preferred vendors." This might be a bit of an exaggeration but why did this helicopter hover low over these private relief supplies in a way that can only be interpreted as being "aggressive" or "intimidating?" It is not entirely known whether this was a FEMA or a US military flown helicopter.

Here is a clip of average people describing from their perspective what the conditions are in this region hit by Hurricane Helene. There is a report allegedly by a FEMA veteran who is apparently warning victims of this weaponized hurricane that accepting the $750 contracts the victims (payee) will  be required to pay this amount back while Mayorkas at DHS that FEMA falls under was quoted as saying "FEMA doesn't have the funds?" What is the actual story here and why would Mayorkas say that FEMA doesn't have the money when it is being reported a "watchdog has discovered $7 billion in untapped FEMA funds?"

More first hand accounts from Americans who went to the need of people in Asheville, North Carolina:

Now compare this MSNBC news clip of an interview with a FEMA administrator on what she is describing as to the circumstances in North Carolina. From the reports above and listening to this FEMA administrator, there are two completely different descriptions or versions on what is actually going on. There are legitimate reports that FEMA is "halting supplies, grounding helicopters, turning around trucks and telling people they can't help." FEMA is reportedly also "stealing supplies." With this hurricane and resulting destruction including everything else that is happening politically in the US, the American people seem to be taking their anger out on FEMA that is currently under the Biden US corporate regime. Who the hell really knows the actual circumstances about anything anymore and now throw in this FEMA executive saying "execute" when he meant evacuate. 

Why has this LGBTQ issue nobody gives a shit about been tossed into the already existing chaotic confusion taking place between government agencies and the American people especially with victims in North Carolina?

FEMA: "We should focus our efforts on LGBTQIA people… they struggled before the storm"; so now it is 'disaster equity'? are you twisted sick people kidding me? disaster equity? I don't give a shit

Hard lessons learned when these massive centralized bureaucracies go into action:

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