Monday, October 7, 2024

Military-industrial complex centralized power...

Editor's note: ...and if you interfere in this ongoing process you are going to get killed. The plan for Americans now is to organize and start to decentralize. What we are starting to understand is that this all started centralizing under General Charles P. Gross with the Manhattan Project when those involved discovered just how powerful science could be when monopolized under the military-industrial complex. Americans do not understand systems approach when it becomes clear it was the Department of Defense (DoD) that was responsible for the mass rollout and distribution of Covid injections and not big pharma. Think of it in terms of "big pharma being the drug dealer for the military-industrial complex." These centralized bureaucracies are America's enemy. Take for example the USDA that had roughly 88,000 employees in 1968 with around 3 million American farmers. Today, the USDA with a $213 billion budget has over 100,000 employees with only around 800,000 American farmers. When the bureaucrats dominate the producers the economy or in this case the farming sector is destroyed. This same thing happened in medicine where today it has become centralized by a literal army of bureaucrats. The same thing with FEMA. All of these agencies are under regulatory capture when the military-industrial complex captured the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US government. How did the military-industrial complex starting with General Gross capture the executive branch of government? JFK was assassinated. 


Help hurricane victims: THAT'S a good reason for printing money, you sons of bitches

By Jon Rappaport | October 7, 2024

(This is Part-3 in a series; for Part-2, click here)

The arrogant frozen insect, Alejandro Mayorkas, head of Homeland Security and its sub-agency, FEMA, is suddenly following the straight and narrow, telling critics his agency can’t free up a billion dollars and change for victims of the hurricane because Congress earmarked it for foreign migrants.

The federal government can find $$ for research on viruses that don't exist, for the Ukraine, for transgenders, for secretly flying illegals into the US, for toxic medical drugs, for bringing in Venezuelan gang members, for imposing censorship, for the CDC buying $4 billion worth of toxic vaccines every year, for Snoozing Biden's many vacations, for credit cards and hotels for illegals, for horseshit energy windmills, for schools that can't teach…

But no, they don't have extra cash for Americans who are sitting in the dark eating ketchup and trying to figure out how to drive with no gas to stations giving out water, how to get a big tree off their destroyed roof, how to flush the toilet, how to apply to FEMA, how to call their loved ones, how to live another day, another week with no income, no electricity and no heat and no running water.

FEMA has a discretionary budget of around $33 billion with around 20,000 employees (bureaucrats):

This is why FEMA needs to be dismantled:

The centralization over the production of food by weaponized and fraudulent science:

Who exactly is in control of the FEMA bureaucracy and its roughly $213 billion budget and are these bureaucrats receiving kickbacks from preferred vendors?

The military-industrial complex makes its move across western North Carolina:

With FEMA it's all about the money and kickbacks to bureaucrats from preferred vendors:

John Galt the sons of bitches:

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